royal gramma acting strange


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My royal gramma is acting strange. She? stays in the rock work all the time and I only see her eat occasionally. When I do get a breif look ar her she seems fine. I don't see any obvious parasites on her. The other fish look and act fine. There is a firefish, 6 line wrasse and a chalk base also in the tank as well as a few snails and hermit crabs in a 40 gal with a 20 gal sump. I have had this fish for about 2 years. It is very large. What is their life expectancy? Any thought on a cause? :unsure:
is this different then the previous 2 yrs? If recent I would be more concerned but generally they like caves and often sit there upside down and just come out to eat.
This is not the way she has acted in the past. She wasn't out alot but readily came out when there was food - she was a pig in fact. Now she eats sparingly and only if the food comes near her cave.
Could the fish spawn without a male (if she is a female-don't really know for sure one way or the other)? Chickens can lay unfertile eggs. I don't know much about royal grammas in that department.:unsure:
ALso, take some pics of your kids tank, did you put my rock in there?
Yes the rock is in the tank. Thank you so much. I think it is done cycling. The kids tested the water on Thursday. No ammonia, no nitrites and no nitrates. The pH was a little low 8.1, but I am going to test it with my Seachem test kit on Monday. I have had trouble with accuracy with my API pH test kit which is old.
I took advice and put in some Seachem Stability. Intend to move the brittle star into that tank on Monday as well as a few hermits.