Royal Gramma in Overflow


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Okay, guys, I know wait until dark and dip him out. Will not work as the calgae has taken over the glass and I can barely see him and cannot get to him with the net due to the two pipes. Its a 90 Gallon Glass Cages tank. Barely can get a small net in there and not to catch anything. Had a diamond goby jump in, jump back and then to the floor awhile back.

The RG is just has been staying in there for about 4-5 days. Any smart ideas how to get him out with out taking the canopy down and pipes out and fishing him out or letting him fall into the sump when I take the pipes out? That would be a project.

Only other thing I know is hook and line but he is pretty small to bite a hook. He is in there with an emerald crab who did the same thing. The RG may lose over time. Maybe since its Cameron's old tank, he should get him out for me.

:fish: Any ideas?

Fish trap would not fit in there. The large tubing and siphon may work. I will try that. Thanks for the idea as I never heard of that before.

I got my flame out by placing the net half in and half out of the water at an angle (all that would fit) then put some shrimp in the net. Took about 10 minutes but he swam up and into the net then just popped him out.

The other thing you could do is pop the drain line off and let him fall into the sump.
i used a shop vac once just gotta make sure its really really clean...jmtc....
dawgdude;119674 wrote: I finally went to home depot and got some BIG tubing. Now whenever my MASSIVE Midas Blenny decides to go in isolation, I just turn of the pump, siphon all the water out and him along with it. I got really big tubing so getting the siphon started is a problem but I wanted it big enough to not hurt him. Hes jumped in 4 or 5 times and gotten out this way unhurt everytime.

Sounds like he's a thrill seeker and does it just for the ride ;)
My six line did that once. I just stuck my arm / hand down in the overflow and he jumped back in the tank.
I have a 90 and got the next to smallest net (very general i know) and was able to get out my flame and mystery on two separate occasions. Seems like the siphon might work, though.
I had a mandarin jump in mine... I was able to net him out after a couple hours... However, he did die a few days later, I assume I beat him up as visibility was almost non-exsistant!
Now, a suggestion for you and anyone else not doing this... After my mandarin fiasco, I decided to cover my overflows. I simply use a piece of 1/4" acrylic sheet, I lay it on the ledge of the tanks trim and let it sit on the the edge of the overflow. This completly covers the overflow and does not affect the operation of the derso. I have not had a fish jump in since!