RTN in acropora


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I just came home and found one of my favorite acros almost completely gone. All but a couple of branches were white and it reaked. This was a blueish acropora secale that had been maricultured. I've had it for at least 8 months and its shown amazing growth, going from about 3 inches to about 8 inches in that short time. I have no idea what stressed it, and haven't moved it or changed anything. After about 20 years since I started my first saltwater tank, dealing with several frags, owning my own business, I've yet to see a healthy acropora just waste away so fast. I did break off a frag to see if it would continue, but I'm only going to assume that it will. Most everything I've read says once one starts, even daughter colonies are affected. Realize there is a large hairy crab living inside the branches, but I've got several acros with crabs in them, not hairy ones, but I couldn't find any info on it.
Any suggestions,
Sorry to hear that rgzfly. Sometimes that just happens. I've had it happen to a couple of my frags from time to time and the two culprits I've experienced were my MH bulbs needed changing and I had a drop in alkalinity.

What's your alk sitting at right now? Just curious, it really could have RTN'd for no apparent reason.

Good luck with the frags, I hope they make it!

If you figure it out I want to know, cause it happens to me alot...I have acro that do great for months then die..Then I have acros that keep growing..all in the same tank..My Staghorn is the worst....It was beautiful then dead in a week...makes no sense
mine did that because of a broken prop pump that was moving the water infront of it.