RTN on Monti Cap


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Looked at my green monti cap yesterday and saw a dime sized white spot near the base. Looked at it again today and it's about 1 1/2" around! :wow2:

I'm sure it's RTN---the question is "What can I do about it!?" Making water for a change now.

Water parameters appear to be okay--except Alk (too low?) and CA (too high.)

SG 1.022 (usually 1.023-1.024), Amm 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5, Ph 8.4, Alk = 7, Phosphate 0, CA=500, temp 78.

I've been adjusting CA upward and overshot a bit.

Also added live sand on Sunday--could the disturbance have had an effect on getting this started?

Everything else in the tank is looking happy...
I might be mistaken, but your alk seems low for a Ca of 500. Is that possible?

I would try to break the white spot off, if at all possible. Otherwise it might continue to spread.
What I know about Ca and Alk couldn't fill a thimble...but I read an Anthony Calfo article on the subject which states:

"Ironically, </em>within the recommended ranges of 350 and 450 ppm Ca (calcium) and 8-12 dKH Alk (alkalinity) it is not necessary to maintain both parameters at the higher end concurrently. In fact, it is not practical or easily attained in most systems. In gross terms, high calcium and high alkalinity are mutually exclusive."

Also, my test kit measures in Mg/L and I converted it to Dkh (and yea, I need to get a different test kit!)

Breaking it off isn't really an option without ending up with a lot of little pieces...it started in the center and is working it's way out.
George, they may be mutally exclusive to some degree, but spontaneous precipitation can occur at unbalanced levels. This is to what I was referring.

<span style="font-family: Symbol;"><span style="font-family: Symbol;">W</span></span> = 6 (non-biological precipitation is more likely)

pH = 8.2 pH = 8.2
Calcium = 410 ppm Calcium = 820 ppm
Alkalinity = 5.0 meq/L Alkalinity = 2.5 meq/L

pH = 8.0 pH = 8.7
Calcium = 410 ppm Calcium = 410 ppm
Alkalinity = 8.0 meq/L Alkalinity = 2.5 meq/L

pH = 8.45
Calcium = 410 ppm
Alkalinity = 4.2 meq/L

What additives are you using to maintain alkalinity and calcium levels? Are you sure your test kits are accurate?

You could try performing a large water change to bring your levels more in line. Then if the RTN still continues, I think you may have no choice but to start fragging.
Cover up the patch and some of the surrounding tissue with super glue gel (the thick stuff). Usually works for me to prevent further tissue loss.
jessezm;107242 wrote: Cover up the patch and some of the surrounding tissue with super glue gel (the thick stuff). Usually works for me to prevent further tissue loss.

Great idea Jesse.....I have a piece of Monti Cap in the frag tank that has a little RTN on the edge, I might try this method before breaking it off. Breaking it off ususally leads to many more pieces than intended!:unsure:
wbholwell;107239 wrote:
What additives are you using to maintain alkalinity and calcium levels? Are you sure your test kits are accurate?

You could try performing a large water change to bring your levels more in line. Then if the RTN still continues, I think you may have no choice but to start fragging.

Let me clarify the Alk measurement--it tested at 2.5mg/l...i converted it to dKH in the post. I'm using SeaChem Reef Advantage calcium to maintain calcium levels. I haven't supplimented for Alk--and I'm open to suggestions! (Using Reef Crystals salt mix, BTW).
jessezm;107242 wrote: Cover up the patch and some of the surrounding tissue with super glue gel (the thick stuff). Usually works for me to prevent further tissue loss.

I tried this Jesse....didn't work for me. I may not have covered enough of the still live tissue.

At any rate, I had a private fragging party this morning and I now have 10 small monti caps instead of one! Now let's see if the frags stay healthy....

And I retested CA and it's at 460---I musta miscounted drops yesterday in my haste to determine what was wrong. Alk still low, tho
yeah, doesn't always do the trick! I think it really depends on the initial cause of the RTN and if it's still a factor. Do you have any other SPS in your tank? Are they showing any signs of stress? I find that my monti's respond pretty quickly to alkalinity and pH changes, though I've never had any RTN on one other than from being stung by another coral. Whenever I noticed retracted polyps on my montis I check my alk and usually find it a bit low... Sorry to hear you had to break up the cap, but hopefully it will come back. Could be a bacterial infection and not your alk...
Oh, as far as alk supplementation, I would consider an auto top-off system to deliver kalkwasser (pickling lime solution) to your tank slowly throughout the day/night. This will help maintain calcium levels as well.
I've got another small monti frag--it was on the same rock as the problem one--it's doing fine. Also some pocillopora that is showing new growth since I raised the Calcium.

So far it appears to be isolated to that one coral....
When a monti cap has attached to the base rock in several places and bleaching begins, what is the safest way to frag off the rotten pieces without causing a rock slide?
Geehh;107225 wrote: Looked at my green monti cap yesterday and saw a dime sized white spot near the base. Looked at it again today and it's about 1 1/2" around! :wow2:

I'm sure it's RTN---the question is "What can I do about it!?" Making water for a change now.

Monti's don't RTN especially not caps, I will look for pests... get a flash light and check it a few hours after light goes out...