Running an air pump on CSS 65


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Ok, took my HOB CSS 65 off the frag tank for its monthly cleaning. Pulled the tube to the venturi and it broke the venturi nipple right off. I looked inside the venturi piece and took a mental note of the shape and direction. I drilled out the hole a bit til some RO/DI hose would just fit inside there. I cut the end of the RO/DI hose to the same shape and stuck it in, making sure the opening (it was slanted and cut) faced the same direction, looked like the original.

Let the glue dry, then plugged it in, and there was an intermittent sucking sound, and hardly any bubbles in the skimmer body. I had the tube cut to the correct length and everything, no explanation that I can think of except some skimmer physics that I don't understand too well.

Anyways, I grabbed a little $5 pump (same one I ran for a bubble curtain in my betta tank) and hooked it into the inlet. Low and behold, the thing skimmed better than before. The head of foam looks like the head on a Sam Adams beer (tempted to float a bottle cap on it and see if I can sneak it into the POTM, lol) and is made of much finer bubbles than the skimmer was producing previously.

Is there any problem with this setup? I know a few of you guys use air pumps on much larger skimmers, but supposing I can find the normal "air intake" of this skimmer and figure out what the pump pushes, will there be any loss from pressure, or is it one of those things where, if it looks like it's working, it's probably alright?

If I keep it, I'll need to find somewhere to mount the pump, and I don't think it will like being centered over the top of my MH fixture.

Oh, and because I could, I used RED RO/DI tubing to match the red on the skimmer, lol.
now that... is very interesting.. will be taggin along..
If I run the air pump's loop big enough, the pump doesn't want to walk off the lid.

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Home made air silencer. Got this used and didn't have one. Or I lost it, can't remember. If I buy a new venturi inlet I'll grab another one of those too.
o, interesting... i must of never noticed it with my skimmer(s) lol... o well
The venturi nipple that was on my octo pump broke off at one point.. Just held it in place and ran super glue around the outside.. Just enough where it wouldn't get in the intake and clog it.. More on the outside and blended it up onto the intake nipple.. Worked like a charm..
Well I've already drilled mine out because I thought</em> this would work.

Hey, I know the CSS are O-zone safe, I might as well hook up an Ozone generator while I'm at it.
Gonna do some research today and see what the normal air intake for the CSS is, then find a pump that can push more than that, but put a valve in-line so I can see what gives optimal skimming.

Note that I was not displeased with the skimmer's performance before this, just now that it's broken, seems like the perfect time to mess around with some stuff.
au01st;482177 wrote:
Hey, I know the CSS are O-zone safe, I might as well hook up an Ozone generator while I'm at it.

Just make sure you have access to a spare o-ring for the skimmer cup if you plan to run it as a HOB. Ozone won't hurt the skimmer but it will eventually cause that rubber o-ring to fail.
Yup, thanks for the heads up. Biggest thing I'm working on now for that is how to run carbon since I don't use that little grey box. I think I've got it figured out for the collection cup, but not sure with the water. I'm thinking I could pump water from the return chamber through the Phosban reactor and carbon without having the water circulate in the tank til that's accomplished. It's gonna be the most beefed up little Aquapod, lol.
au01st;482306 wrote: Gonna do some research today and see what the normal air intake for the CSS is, then find a pump that can push more than that, but put a valve in-line so I can see what gives optimal skimming.

Note that I was not displeased with the skimmer's performance before this, just now that it's broken, seems like the perfect time to mess around with some stuff.

I did a few experiments with my CSS when I had it so far as upping the air injection via a pump and valve to adjust air throughput. I found that there was a definite point where too much air was introduced and the skimmer stopped skimming. I always wanted to know what would happen if the venturi was bypassed alltogether, and airline tube was run to the inner chamber where a wood airstone would release tiny bubbles into the chamber via an air pump, but never got around to trying that.

Id also be interested to see the difference if you supplied the air intake of an air pump with the moist air coming out of the vent at the top of the skimmer too...

I think it would be a Seaclone at that point, lol. Or whatever that Red Sea skimmer is that the Petco here sells wooden airstones for. Seems like a step backwards...

I'm surprised how many people are viewing this, it's just a little Coralife skimmer.
Airstones aren;t the way to go...they clog too easily and arent worth the pain. You can supply air to the skimmer via a pump, like you have done...but you will reach the limit of how much air the skimmer itself will handle before water keeps flowing into the collection cup. Will be interesting to see. Let me check my goodies, I may have the CSS venturi.
but you will reach the limit of how much air the skimmer itself will handle before water keeps flowing into the collection cup.

There in lies what I'd like to find out with a larger pump and valve. In the pic above, the exit gate valve is all the way open. That is the lowest the water level will go at present. It's slightly below where I used to skim (skimmed wet and got a nice green tea skimmate).

I guess if I really want to go about this scientifically, I'll need to hook up the Kill-A-Watt, get a Dwyer air meter, and set up a "normal" feeding regimen (I currently just feed til the fish stop eating, I'd want to do that over a week and see what the average number of pellets is, then just feed that during testing).

I'm guessing RO/DI tubing isn't O-zone safe, is it?