One of the most interesting things about this hobby so far for me is the fact that no matter how much you research something (coral, equipment, fish, invert) when you get it home, it can be the complete opposite of what everything said it was going to need and/or be. So use all information as a general guideline, not as fact. This hobby seems to be about 20% cold hard fact, 60% opinion stated as fact, 10% someone with years of actual experience facts and 10% what type of drugs are you on. (My personal experience so far anyway.)
All of that was just to agree with FutureInterest on the fact that if a fish is listed as predatory/non-reefsafe there's usually a good reason behind it but it doesn't mean that it will happen with 100% certainty. Just means you're taking that risk and it could happen at any time.
Examples for me so far include:
Fire Shrimp - Research said peaceful, hides a lot, blah blah. Actual shrimp I brought home? A massive bully that harassed/stressed everything in the tank including me. (I traded him out)
Duncan coral - Research said likes higher flow, moderate lighting etc. Actual Duncan I own? Only opens in the lowest flow/light possible in my tank.
Trochus snails - Research said algae eliminators, varied diet, can flip themselves over if they fall off rocks. The three in my tank? They get stuck in the oddest places, hide all day and won't eat anything they deem unworthy even when I pick them up and place them in targeted areas. (Thank the ocean gods for Turbos, omg)
RBTA - Research said likes high light, moderate flow, moves a lot. Mine? Forget it. He hides in the darkest place he could find and refused to move. I had to actually turn the rock around that he attached to just so he could get a tiny bit of light/flow. He still hasn't moved, ugh.
All tanks are different and each interesting creature you bring home will be different but that's why this is so much fun

I really hope everything works out for ya!