Salinity of stores in the area


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This may be the wrong place for this questions so please move if it is. Does anyone know of a store around Atlanta that keeps their salinity in the 1.021 - 1.025 range? I was under the impression that reef tanks should be kept somewhere in this range, yet each time I acquire livestock from a local store, I have found salinity anywhere in the range of 1.012 - 1.018.
Generally speaking, most stores will run their coral tanks in the 1.022-1.025 range but keep their fish tanks at a lower salinity as many parasites cannot survive in a hyposalinity environment.
when I worked for tim at keen reef we would keep the salinity at around .025/.026 I am pretty sure he still does
Reef tanks are kept at a higher salinity, but these are fish you're talking about. Lfs fish tanks are usually kept at hypo. It doesn't take much to acclimate them when you buy.
I was in a Petland and their sign said that their salinity in their coral tank was at .014, my jaw hit the floor.
Chris c
AndyMan;367121 wrote: IMAGINE... expecting 1.021-1.024 (give or take) and get 1.040

Yeah thats what i call a show stopper right their
Just so we're clear, Andy's "imagine" reference didn't refer to us... ;)

It's easier to move a creature to a lower specific gravity than a higher one (ie 5 hours probably was overkill).. but better safe than sorry.

We keep reefs at 1.023 (and I've done so for over 20 years. Seems in the last few people seem to be moving higher and higher...)

FO we keep at 1.021-1.022. Higher specific gravity is more stressful to the fish, even though inverts prefer it a bit higher. I've found that 1.023 is suitable for "everybody" and gives a bit of wiggle room for those whose topoff habits are a bit inconsistent. If one already keeps SG high, and evap gets a bit ahead it's too easy for SG to get too high. 1.023 leaves room for a bit of forgiveness.

AndyMan;367212 wrote: oops, yeah... wasn't Imagine Ocean, didn't mean to infer it was your place Jenn cause it certainly wasn't

That's what I thought you meant when I read it... I thought, "No way, not Jenn!".

Good to hear.