Sally Lightfoot?


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Lawrenceville, GA
Has anybody had experience with a sally lightfoot crab attacking inverts in their tank? I suspect that my very large sally has killed of 5 of my clams because I’ve found the shells scattered around the tank. The latest killing happened last night with the clam shell remains in the back of the tank were the crab hangs out. There is nothing else that big in the tank.
Ive had a few of them and some were saints and others the devil. I wont put another one in my tanks
Crabs are assholes. I keep a few emeralds but that's it. I don't even keep hermits now. I had hermits that would just hunt down snails and not even take the shell.
I support the arsehole theory. My Sally ate anything it could grab, but left the corals alone. It would chase me if I had my hand close enough. I didn't see it, but after it was put in tank, I lost most anything smaller than it was. I just stopped buying smaller stuff