Salt Creep Creeping Me Out ~~~~


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Powder Springs
A few weeks ago I noticed a lot of accumulated salt creep every where in my sump area, plumbing and equipment. I cleaned everything up/off. Then again last week an unusual amount of salt creep had accumulated every where including the PVC up high, on the left and on the right which is away from where the water flows out and into the socks. I cleaned it up and now it's back again?

There's nothing splashing, dripping or leaking.
I'm completly stumped!

Anyone know how it could cover everything under my tank with out being obvious?
Appreciate any ideas, it's scary!
I have also noticed an increase in salt creep lately, there are a couple of spots it tends to build up on. I also noticed a higher evaporation rate in my tanks so I just chalked it up to the air in the room being dryer with the heat running so much.
Yep, I've noticed more as well. 'Tis the season for salt creep lol!

I will say this. Next tank, I'm making my own stand. PITA to try to clean everything with one tiny door. I suppose I could enlist slave labor and make my kids do it... Heck, my daughter might actually do it happily.
I keep a spray bottle filled with RO that I use to spray everything down when I'm done with the water changes. It helps keep the sump a little neater.
Low humidity in the room and the whole house would make this to happen as it would evaporate and the salt dissolved would be transferred and leave deposit everywhere. Same tough here.
I guess Ya all are probably right. This is my first winter "running" this tank with inhabitants. Perhaps it's just normal with the larger sump, opening and such...

What a PITA!
preston7;1005442 wrote: Has anyone ever used that spray the drs. foster and smith sells that's supposed to reduce the salt creep buildup? Sounds like snake oil to me, but it may have some merit.

no but ive tried the stuff from kent marine and it dosent really work.
joseayes;1005473 wrote: Low humidity in the room and the whole house would make this to happen as it would evaporate and the salt dissolved would be transferred and leave deposit everywhere. Same tough here.

It doesn't seem possible!

As the salt dose not evaporate, right! So how does it end up 4' away from the return? It's not splashing that far, for sure! It seems above and beyond but evidently it's not just me so.... I'm Creepy :eek:
Camellia;1005618 wrote: It doesn't seem possible!

As the salt dose not evaporate, right! So how does it end up 4' away from the return? It's not splashing that far, for sure! It seems above and beyond but evidently it's not just me so.... I'm Creepy :eek:"></a>

This would describe better than my own words Deb