salt creep eliminator


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has any one ever tried it?
My PC fixture is covered with a caked on layer of salt, and it gets that way after only a few days of scraping it off, will this stuff help prevent that? Does anyone have any home concoctions that can do this?

I thought of rubbing in some olive oil or veg. oil on the plastic, but I thought that it may have unforeseen consequences...
Change whatever is causing the salt spray. If you're getting that much on your lights, something is wrong or could be configured differently. I rarely, if ever wipe down my lights - maybe every 6 months or whenever I think about it.
I have a powerhead on one end that is pointed somewhat toward the surface, but the creep is evenly distributed. The only other thought I have would be the emperors I run, but there's not much reconfiguring I can do with them other than slide the lights to the very front of the tank instead of the middle?
the emperors create a small "splash" that you don't see and it is a nightmare on salt creep; You should drill your tanks or get some type of internal filter. Those biowheels aren't good for nitrates anyways!
something like this:"></a>

I bought it at petsmart.
I am going to use the bucket (+overflow and return) to hold my skimmer, but other than that it really does not function well as a sump, I cannot hook my emperors on it, as there is no space for that.
If you cant do what mojo suggested, get used to wiping (that sounded grosser than I intended). Salt creep CANNOT be eliminated. Coating with oil or plastic will just cause more issues in the long run.