Just a quick update. I found out why there is a delay. Apparently where everyone that manufactures salt in the USA, are having issues getting the synthetic salt they use. The flats where they all buy from flooded and it takes roughly ~6 weeks for it to dry.
So we may see some price increases coming up from all manufactures in the USA. They hope this won’t happen but the cost for the manufacturer has gone up. I was given this information today from a salt manufacturer. Glad we got this order in! Fritz will keep me in the loop on shipping times. We are next batch in line so I’m hoping next week it ships out. Apologies for the delays this wasn’t expected when we ordered. Hoping this doesn’t effect salt prices moving forward.
I let others know about 1.5 months ago, but the big companies out there are finally letting the news out. Get ready for your pocket books to be hit. This includes IO, RC, etc.