Sand cleaners


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what do you guys use to keep your sandbeds clean?

conchs, stars, gobys...? I need to get some geezers to clean up the sand bed, it looks like kenny's house down there :yuk:
I rely on a sand sifting goby (hector's goby), cerith snails, queen conch, and some nassarius snails. They do alright.
I use nothing because I don't have sand. LOL. I just used a turkey baster when I had sand. I would put it in the sand and puff it and let the skimmer pick up the detritus.
Cucumbers and nassarius snails. The cuke is constantly eating sand and pooping nice clean sandballs out the back end, and the nassarius snails bury themselves in the sand. They have a proboscus that sticks up out of the sand, and at feeding time they come popping out, move amazingly fast to eat what they want, then spin themselves back under the sand to wait for next time. I had a sand sifting goby once, but with my fine sandbed he just made an enormous mess. The water was always cloudy until I caught him in a trap and back to the store he went. With larger grains of sand they work great.
hmm, I had considered a goby. But I do have very fine sand. if he'll cloud up the water, I will never be able to catch him....tank is too big!
I caught mine using a fish trap - otherwise I would have had no chance.

Skriz;65340 wrote: hmm, I had considered a goby. But I do have very fine sand. if he'll cloud up the water, I will never be able to catch him....tank is too big!
A Tiger Cuc does a great job cleaning the SB along with conchs and hermits.
I bet you have a pretty big sandbed. I'd probably go with a few sand sifting gobies or a few sand sifting stars..or if you can find one a large conch. If you want, you actually might be able to do a horseshoe crab lol? That might be a little risky though...
yeah, don't know about the horseshoe! :lol:

I like gobies, so that's a possibility, as long as they dont cloud up the tank. Are there any cool looking conchs? what about stars? also, will they be safe with a brid wrasse?