Sargassum polypyllum algae advice needed.


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Stone Mountain
Anybody know how of a good way to treat <span style="font-family: Trebuchet MS;">">[I]Sargassum polyphyllum</em></a>? </span>While I do indeed have some bryopsis to deal with, while doing some extended research I have determined that this terrible little form of brown algae seems to be the most major culprit, and I'm not seeing any advice anywhere on how to control it. Will the rabbitfish I just got work at it, by any chance, or perhaps my yellow sea slug?

Any suggestions? It seems to be hardy stuff, and I'm not sure that another lights-out period is going to make any dent in it or not.
Here's a thread on RC that you should check out. It also points to another thread for more information.

Well, I got some magnesium today... We'll see how it goes. I couldn't however, afford $60 for a mag test kit. Does anybody know what critters might be adversely affected by an excessively high mag. level? I know the guy said approx. 1500 would accomplish the results I'm after, but what if I accidentally get it up to, say, 2000? Am I risking any of my fish or inverts?
you can't go that high without pulling out your carbonate. it usually supersaturate at 1550 at a normal Specific Gravity. You will see snow storm which mag is getting pulled out and percipating with your carbonate.
Your alk will just drop, it won't hurt anything but you calcium will go low because the loss of mag.
I'm ok with calcium going low for a little while... It's the lesser of the two weevils in comparison to the algae infestation.
Two quick things. First you can use epsom salts as a cheap magnesium source. It will add some sulfur, but its not a big deal and water changes will remove it over time. Second I have a mag test kit that I use once a month or so, if you want to borrow it you're welcome to it.
if your tank is big enough get a kole tang, those guys eat all types of algea, including bryopsis
It's only a 50 gallon :( Sadly the Rabbitfish isn't touching it.

FutureInterest: I may take you up on the offer of the use of a test or two when it's convenient for you, but only to check that I've gotten it high enough, and then maybe later to see if I've gotten it down at all.