scape makeover

wantsummora acropora

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I'm coming up on my 1 year anniversary of having my first fish in my reef tank. I have learned a tremendous amount about reefing in that time. I've done many things right and have also made a lot of mistakes. One mistake I made was my scape. While I like the look, the base of each section (I have 3 sections) just takes up too much room, hampers flow and allows too much detritus buildup. I am 85% sure I want to start a new scape with completely different rock. If this is doable without crashing my tank, my plan is to build a new scape again in 3 sections and cycle the rock for how ever long sound advice dictates (if I need to). I am adamant about using completely new rock so old pros please chime in. If you have experience doing something like this please say so in your reply but all advice is welcome. Other information you may find useful is I plan to reduce my fish population (currently at 15, 5 of them are large) to reduce bio load and I have at least 2 quarts of marine pure balls and some rock in my sump which have been there from the beginning. I may post this on R2R as well. Thank you in advance for your comments.
Put a piece or two of your current live rock in with the new rock to help with the cycle of new rock if it is dry. Turkey baste your old rock as best you can before water changes and even in between to get rid of as much detritus as you can before disturbing it. This will help cut down out what you stir up when removing the old rock. I would probably keep a piece or two in the main tank with the switch unless your trying to alleviate pests. If budget allows just go with some Tampa Bay saltwater rock..then don't really worry about it..ha.