Scatches inside Tank


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Im not sure if anyone has had to address this issue, but here is mine.
I have a 135gal saltwater tank that I bought used, and at the start I looked great. After getting it home and filling it with water I noticed some small scatches. Now that it's setup and running with fish and live rock, the scatches are bothering me. Am I stuck with the scratches or is there a scratch removal kit that anyone can recommend for a all glass tank were I dont have to tare down the whole tank.
If you can feel the scratches you are stuck. But if it's fine, there's a glass scratch remover you can buy. It's not an easy process.

Edit: And if the tank is filled. You will need to drain, that stuff is toxic. It will wipe out everything
Thats what I thought, lots a work and toxic it might not be worth it, so here I go again being cheap and now I may have to buy another 135gal tank.
Thank you for the advice.
i bought a used tank with some light scratches and some deep ones. For the most part once the tank is filled with water the light once really are not noticed much
Has anyone tried the windshield stuff on aquariums to fill in the scratches? Just curious if it would make them less noticeable if not eliminate them. For lighter stuff I've read that cerium oxide and some elbow grease does work. Even read where someone did it to a tank with live stock. They draped plastic over the tank and taped it to minimize slurry entering the tank. They didn't report on whether anything was affected, i.e. died.