Schooling fish? Possible live order?


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Anyone have success with fish schooling in their tanks? What fishies worked for you? I've seen chromis schooling in some tanks before, but then they always get the "highlander syndrome" and you end up with just one...

Prolly could start another thread, but anyways... Anyone interested in doing a group livestock order? I don't care which site it is... I've got something I want from most of the major vendors, none of them have everything I want. I would prefer liveaquaria, marinedepotlive, or reefhotspot as I've had really good experiences with all of them and they tend to have a good amount of variety in stock.
If you want to upgrade to a much larger tank, lookdowns or golden trevallis (pilotfish) are pretty awesome schooling fish. Anthias are a really good schooling fish for the average reefer.
I saw a picture on RC of a tank with a schoal of "glass-eye cardinal fish." These guys were small but there were probably 30 or so of them and they really did hang tightly together. Looked amazing. I've searched and searched, however, and cannot find anywhere that has them. Can't even find that post...
I have 5 chromis in my take for a year now and haven't had the "highlander" effect. I read somewhere that its best to keep an odd number (5 or more) and get a variety of sizes, that way the lowest one on the pole is not constantly picked on. They fun to watch as they school around the tank.

I've also heard that tangs will play "follow the leader" as they school, but you have to have a good size tank for them.
I'd imagine you'd need less harsh water movement than most of us have to allow them to school. It would look super cool, though.
triggerhappy8;51582 wrote: If you want to upgrade to a much larger tank, lookdowns or golden trevallis (pilotfish) are pretty awesome schooling fish. Anthias are a really good schooling fish for the average reefer.

By much larger tank, do you mean 6 million gallons? :)
Yeah they had to take the travallis out of the Georgia Aquarium because they got so big and aggressive! I can't imagine what damage a group would do in a tank 1/10,000 of the size...
triggerhappy8;51582 wrote: If you want to upgrade to a much larger tank, lookdowns or golden trevallis (pilotfish) are pretty awesome schooling fish. Anthias are a really good schooling fish for the average reefer.

I would love to have a school of lookdowns... One of the most awsome fish... but the wife will not let me have a 400 gal tank yet!!!
I'm on board for a live order probably need a new thread
I don't actually know the real min. tank size on those but I know it is big. Fish store and more used to have a display with both in it and it was pretty daggum awesome if you ask me. I believe they ended up dismantling it because they got too large. Heck they might have ended up in the GA Aquarium.