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Talk me out of buying a scorpion fish. The ebay guy that I'm getting the CuC from has one and I'm soooo tempted.
will try to eat anything it can fit in its mouth. it thinks its mouth is much bigger than it actually is. it tries to eat a lot of things.
Don't buy one! He will be your only you'll have to fear for your fingers if you stick them in the tank! And you have to consider that the darker colored ones are more posionous than the lighter colored ones. They may hide under rock ledges and outcropings. Wait...wrong scorpion! Don't do some more acans!
i want one also but it would be my only inhabitant. Do they eat coral?
Melissa had a beautiful scorpion that died recently and she had about every type of coral. I imagine they are pretty much safe'ish!
I don't think they eat coral. They only eat your other fish.

I think I'll pass until I have a dedicated tank for him. Wonder how he would do in my 24g AP.

For those that might be interested...
he is so ugly he is cute :) if I piggy back on your order is that possible? But he may be to big unless full grown.
i sent the vendor a msg asking if i can do that since my order won't go out till monday. do some research and let me know how much you're willing to bid and i'll scope it out at the end. feel free to email the guy and ask questions.
yeah probably not more then $12 lol I think he may be to big for my nano. Will do some research but probably he is to big. issues with adding the fish. I just need to pay Sunday night.

It will be the cost of the fish + $5 shipping (yes, you have to chip in a small extra amount for the primary shipping charges).

PM me if you want it and what maximum bid you will do...$15 would bring you in at an even $20.

It is a very cool fish and I will be quite jealous.
Oddly enough, I did trade some emails with her...good suggestion. From her and my research, they are best kept by themselves...or at least not with fish taht will fit in their mouth.
balagan;89659 wrote: issues with adding the fish. I just need to pay Sunday night.

It will be the cost of the fish + $5 shipping (yes, you have to chip in a small extra amount for the primary shipping charges).

PM me if you want it and what maximum bid you will do...$15 would bring you in at an even $20.

It is a very cool fish and I will be quite jealous.
I think I am going to pass I found the exact species of scorpion fish I want today. So I am going to try to find it.
s. cyanostigma is the name of it and i will be looking for it so if anyone knows where to get one let me know.