scribble rabbitfish


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Alright so who here has one of these guys and have you had luck with him not picking on your corals? I have a lot of SPS, some LPS, clam and anemones. Whats the odds of him doing well in my tank?
i got mine from tim lee and it is small so i dont think it will bother your corals at leaste mine doesnt
yeah I've been in contact with him...I love the fish, but I'm a lil scared of him nipping. Just wondering if anyone has had any negative mishaps with them.
Rit had a big Scribble Rabbit in his reef. I don't think it bothered anything.
I had a scribble that I gave to Alan. It was a model citizen. Mine seemed to have a really high metabolism though and required a lot of food. It was tiny when I got it... but man they grow fast. It also tended to "breath" air... as it would often gulp air which some others have reported as well.

As for coral safety... Mine didn't touch any zoas. It would occasionally nip at my millies but that was so rare that it wasn't a concern. They have the coolest eyes. :p
I've had mine for a couple of months and he hasn't touched any of my corals either. Like Jin said, he eats like a wild man. I did see him nip at my sandsifting star a couple of times. Didn't do any damage that I could notice. I'd actually be willing to get him out before long. My purple tang has gotten too aggressive and needs to move on to a bigger home as well. I'd be willing to sell him(rabbitfish). Let me know. If you're interested I need to get in touch with Raj and coordinate with him. I promised him the tang a while back.
Ahhhh forget me...mine has been in my coral jungle for about a year and a half
oh wow Todd, I didn't even know you had one. You havn't had any issues? I guess thats good to know then. Dang I'm scared tho...
I have a Nice fat one that has never picked on any corals(that i know of) I do keep him well fed.
oh i need to edit that lol thought it would do it for me but you got the point .lol yeah i can be real honest
oh sure it'll type what you said but not the oh so bad Dam_ word??? Oh well.
so you gonna bite the bulit and get one ..i mean your already taking a chance having a bare bottom
lol, I've ran BB for a long time man :) Yeah I've talked with someone who has one for me. We'll see what happens.
Sweet bro! Mine was a good pal. He ate like a pig and got huge ove a years period. Good luck with him. They are beautiful!
FutureInterest;133828 wrote: .... It was a model citizen. Mine seemed to have a really high metabolism though and required a lot of food. It was tiny when I got it... but man they grow fast. It also tended to "breath" air... as it would often gulp air which some others have reported as well.

As for coral safety... Mine didn't touch any zoas. It would occasionally nip at my millies but that was so rare that it wasn't a concern. They have the coolest eyes. :p

I have had mine since Aug' 2005 when we took a group of ARC folks to The Living Reef store in Alabama. He's definitely a model citizen and has never touched a zoa, torch, hammer, mushroom, frogspawn, mili, RBTA, xenia or any other coral! :up:

BTW, at 5" he rules the tank and is in there with a 6" blue regal tang, adult B&W Clownfish and 4" Flame Angel. The pecking order is in that order too!

Good luck with your decision,
