Sea bay dying?


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I have had a new sea bay anenome since last Sat. He settled in on one rock front of tank til today. He's moved several times. Now he is way deep in the rocks in the back and it looks like his intestines are all hanging out in front of him. Never had one. Is he dying?? HELP. It's stressing me out. I can't get to him without a major avalanche if he dies. Is it normal for it's insides to be on the outside? Thanks!!
90 gallon T5 lights blue and actinic 6 bulbs. Not sure of specifics but on recent water test they were all normal

It is deflated and it looks like it's intestines are on the outside
No its not normal for his "guts" to be showing... Usually they only do that when they're pretty close to death in my experience... :sad:
Hope for the best... But be prepared to remove it if it dies. You'll know when its dead by simply looking at it... You may be able to get it out from behind the rocks with a chopstick or blowing water at it with a turkey baster once its dead.
About 3 years. I just got him out. Major avalanche in process. SUCKS. I'm not convinced he's dead but there us white and green swirly stuff standing about an inch high then at the bottom are the deflated tips with big section of white in between. I put him in a bucket. Any suggestions?
Sorry to hear your rock work fell :sad:. I don't have a ton of experience with sebaes so I can't say for sure but I belive it was going to die anyways. You could give it a shot though as I've seen some BTAs come back from the brink before... To make it easier to remove in case it does die place it in a bowl on the sandbed so it can't blow away... Put some sand in the bowl as sebaes don't feel comfy without it typically.
photobucket is what I always use but you can do it through ARC as well by hitting the attach button or insert a picture button.