Sea hares and bubble algae?


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Does anyone know or have experiences with sea hares taking care of bubble algae?
Alan had a sea hare but I dont think it touched his bubble algae... might want to check with him directly tho.
I seriously doubt that sea hares will eat bubble algae; their mouths aren't designed to consume large portions of food (they are mollusks, like snails). As David said, mithrax crabs are your best bet for bubble algae, but even those guys are no guarantee.
Won't do it, but if you have hair algea..They are wonderful!!
I do have a few emerald crabs... but I swear some of the bubbles are as big as them.
emerald crabs dont do anything for hair algae in my opinion cause i got a bunch of that crap and mine doesnt seem to do anything to it
Stroid;29177 wrote: emerald crabs dont do anything for hair algae in my opinion cause i got a bunch of that crap and mine doesnt seem to do anything to it
Emeralds are better for bubble algae. Even then they are hit and miss. Your best bet for hair algae will be the Sea Hare or Turbo snails