Sea Lettuce Nudibranchs

snarky shark

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Does anybody have any experience with these or know where they can be found locally? I have been reading up on them and they seem unique as well as something cool to add to the tank.

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I've seen the locally from time to time. They are really small and come in bags. Never purchased, though. I think they'd get demolished in a high flow tank.
I finally have my two sea lettuce slugs! They love the light and stay high in my tank on walls and glass. No luck eating algae from my rocks yet! They aren’t quite as vibrant as the picture indicates, but they are pretty with greens, purples, and pale pinks.


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I finally have my two sea lettuce slugs! They love the light and stay high in my tank on walls and glass. No luck eating algae from my rocks yet! They aren’t quite as vibrant as the picture indicates, but they are pretty with greens, purples, and pale pinks.
I’ve never even heard of these. I wish I could find something that would keep the film off the inside glass. My Kole tang and lawnmower blenny and stomatella snails try to keep it clean but they just make designs in it lol
Mine does a bit better than an good snail in keeping the glass clean. Sure it helps a bit but not really a solution, look to either nutrients, light or elbow grease. It leaves a trail on the glass but not really clearing large areas. I figure I would need a couple dozen to keep a 30 gallon biocube really spotless, and then they would all die of hunger and cause a nutrient spike and algae bloom.

I never caught mine in the act but I had a smallish 2-3" clump of chaeto in the same tank with the sea-lettuce nudibranch. It disappeared and then I added another which also disappeared in a week. Can't say for sure it was the nudibranch, as I never saw it on the algae but did not see the chaeto ever disappear as quickly in the tank before it was added. I think they do prefer macro-algae over algae films on glass.