Sea Salt


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I need to mix up about 40 gallons of salt tonight..I have some instant Ocean left but wanted to go different.

Where I live (way east) there are no LFS, closest is Loganville. Petco and petsmart I believe have Red Sea, Instant Ocean and Oceanic...

Help..Ideas...I wanted Marin but cant drive the 90 minutes to Aquabuys after work...I hate the traffic...

Input please...Tank will be here thursday...
Why do you want to switch, just curious. A lot of people use Instant Ocean (including me) and never have a problem. I was using another brand but figured I'd give it a try. I notice Instant Ocean mix faster. Unless you just want to try something different.

Anyways, I heard Petsmart will price match online prices. All you have to do is print out a copy.
Yeah, I use Reef Crystal and used to use IO. Why do you want to change? You can always start with IO and change brands with water changes...this would give you time to aquire salt.
purpleGORILLA;84666 wrote: Why do you want to switch, just curious. A lot of people use Instant Ocean (including me) and never have a problem. I was using another brand but figured I'd give it a try. I notice Instant Ocean mix faster. Unless you just want to try something different.

Anyways, I heard Petsmart will price match online prices. All you have to do is print out a copy.

One of the Petcos in Lawrenceville is closing and has everything on sale for 50% off. I did see a couple of buckets of IO that were rediculously priced, but with 50% off they were down to just over $30 for the 160G size.
I was just listening to folks is Ive only used IO also and dont know differently
Here ya go Russ..But really, I would just buy what is on sale or the cheapest and save the money for corals...:).

If you are like me, I just skip the "blah blah" and go to the conclusions. However I am not trying to push any particular brand of salt though, just suggesting to get what is cheapest or readily available."></a>

purpleGORILLA;84700 wrote: Here ya go Russ..But really, I would just buy what is on sale or the cheapest and save the money for corals...:).

If you are like me, I just skip the "blah blah" and go to the conclusions. However I am not trying to push any particular brand of salt though, just suggesting to get what is cheapest or readily available."></a>


Gotcha....IO it is lol
The lowdown on salt is that none of them are really that close to natural water, and they all pretty much work. The people that pay more for a SUPER REEF TRACE MAGIC salt are usually the ones that will take better care of their tank or spend money of more sophisticated equipment anyway, leading to better results.
Its not the money although I dont have the resources that most of you may/or may not have. I just dont want to slight my livestock. If IO works as well as the rest for an amateur reefer than wonderful...If I could be do a lot more justice by spend 8-10 dollars more than I would spend it. If it was 80-100 more,well thats a different

One of those studies he listed states the more important parameters(Mg, Ca, KH) of the salt aren't as crucial as we sometimes make them out to be because we alter them anyway with the additives we put into our tanks.
thanks all... I think its unanimous, for the most part, salt is a degree I'm sure....for this reefer ..salt is salt :)
I know you said Aquabuys is 90 minutes away but Sam is the best on this side of town. Sometime it fells like 90 minutes for me to drive the 7 miles to his store from my house!
Sam was awesome... I was there for the first time Saturday..picked up a Koralia, was going back this week for another but time is just not allowing me.. :( it and its churning :) QUESTION: How long does it take for Salinity to start to get a "true" reading after mixing it in tub...?
I usually give it at least 3 hours on a 40g tank (max) with an 802 powerhead stirring. It probably depends greatly on what pump you're using to mix and how much.
I love IO, used it since day 1 and will never change. Not to mention that the georgia aquarium uses it too :)