Seachem Matrix, anyone use/tried it?


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I needed new carbon for my tank today. Found a product called Seachem Matrix which is used in the same way carbon is used, and advertised to remove identical wastes as carbon.

It's selling point to me was the VERY large particule size (think medium size granite driveway gravel), as tiny carbon bits sometimes get trapped in my impellar housing causing an annoying grinding sound, so thought I'd try it.

Any reviews forth coming?



Not your tank and you don't care? (lol)

Thank you in advance!
Their advertising:

"Seachem MatrixCarbonâ„¢ Filter Media is a truly unique activated carbon, bead shaped for optimal hydrodynamics. This provides maximum water flow and contact with a high density of adsorptive sites without the compacting common to granular activated carbon. MatrixCarbonâ„¢ has a very low ash content as indicated by its minimal impact on pH. Even when added to distilled water, it does not raise pH above 7.0. While all carbons contain phosphate, regardless of false claims to the contrary, MatrixCarbonâ„¢ has the lowest leachable phosphate content of all major carbon brands tested. It out-performs other best grade carbons by at least two-fold when compared for total capacity to remove aquarium organic matter, rate of adsorbtion, and duration of use. 250 mL will easily treat 100 gallons for several months. It is very clean and nearly dust free. The 100 mL bag size will fit any filter on the market and treats over 40 gallons. Marine or freshwater use."

I'm not sure how it performs, but I generally like Seachem's products, and this will be the next carbon I buy.
I just loaded it in my Magnum 350. I was suprised at how clean it was! No dust and very little cloudiness when I pre-rinsed it.

The product I purchased seems a little different than what the above description denotes.

This stuff isn't bead shaped, it's coarse, odd shapes. (just like medium shaped granite driveway gravel) and it white/grey with natural brown color variations.

The stuff I purchased is also loose, no bag, and sold in a 1 liter container at PetSmart for 11 bucks. I used half the container to fill the strainer basket of my Magnum so it seem this product will last me a while!

Thanks for the input Bryan
What Bryan is referring to is actually their carbon, which they call "matrix carbon"

What you have is just "matrix." For some reason, I always thought it was some kind of biological media for housing bacteria, not a chemical media like carbon or purigen... But I guess I never read the label. Neverltheless, what Bryan posted above I don't think refers to what you have...
Ah, you're right. Good catch!

Seachem Matrix™ Filter Media is a high porosity biomedia that provides efficient biofiltration for the removal of nitrogenous waste. Matrix™ is a porous inorganic solid about 10 mm in diameter. Each liter of Matrix™ provides as much surface (less than 162 m) as 40 liters of plastic balls! Plastic bio-materials provide only external surface area, whereas Matrix™ provides internal macroporous surface area. These macropores are ideally sized for the support of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria. This allows Matrix™, unlike other forms of biomedia, to remove nitrate along with ammonia and nitrite, simultaneously and in the same filter. Matrix™ is completely inert and will not breakdown. It need not be replaced. Use 1-2 Liters of Matrix™ for each 100 gallons. Since the majority of the bacteria are internal, Matrix™ may be rinsed when needed without damaging the filter. Matrix™ is compatible with all types of wet or wet-dry filters. Marine or freshwater use.
Yes, comparing the label of this product to the discription above, trheres several differences. The packaging states that its great for use in any canister filter.... I guess I'm putting it to the test.
Matrax carbon is over all a very close secound best "aquarium" carbon. In some ways it rated best when tested. Hydro carbon (TLF) rated just a little better. Warner Marine is coming out with a even better carbon.$$$.

Ooops. You want to no about the Bio media. I been using it for 10 Years in many aquariums I dont use any other kind of bio media. it works good i replace 1/3 -1/2 every year or 2.
I've never heard of a Hydor carbon...... I'll look into that.

I was temped today as Petsmart was clearencing carbon for like 3 bucks a liter, but thought of the problems that no-name brand "made in China" would have caused. With experience comes wisdom.........
Actually that HBH carbon is not bad at all ( The ultra fast one) you just need about 2 two - 3 time as much to get the same results. But at $4