I am going away again for a couple of weeks. My very competent teenage grandson is looking after my tank. The protein skimmer is small and needs attention all the time. I enjoy fiddling with it, but the kid comes by twice a day and feeds, etc.
I thought this might be a better alternative for the next 2 weeks for him. And depending on how well it works, I’m not adverse to using it in lieu of the skimmer.
So, anyone use this product?
Whaddaya think of it?
Oh, I forgot to mention, they reason why I stopped using in my reef is because it can be a bit aggressive, same with carbon, so I started using DIY coral snow for water clarity.
I used it in all of my established tanks including in my 125 gallon heavy planted freshwater. Has worked well for me.
Also use it in my 50 gallon LPS dominant setup, it is a resin that binds particulate matter as well as nitrate, and mainly to assist with water clarity like carbon, but as said above will not replace a protein skimmer.
Most of the time I have a pack of it in filter sock to help pick up waste but I'm not religious about it. I've got 5-6 bags that I recharge and cycle through. It works but I'm not consistent. Kinda the same with carbon. I always run some carbon but when I get around to changing it out it's usually a few weeks past it's due date.