Seachem reef salt vs. IO


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Smyrna it is....Seachem vs.IO Who has used both and what is your experiences on them? I've used IO since day 1 in this hobby and the place I typically buy from no longer carries the IO brand. Soooo do I go with the Seachem reef salt or search out other places for my IO?
I used IO for awhile.. Was at macna and got some Seachem for free.. At a great time.. I was out of salt.. Once I started using it, everything seemed to perk up and look better..Been using Reef salt ever since and prolly wont swap again..
Man I knew you were going to respond, lol. Thanks for the positive post though :)
How did you know I was going to respond?
Sitting here bored..Figured I would share my takes on the salts.. :)
I just switched to Seachem form reef crystals. I wqas so sick of having to dose mag all the time and hated the enormously high alk levels in reef crystals.

So I switched last week, and we will see what happens. I bought 3 buckets from keen Reef, so I am stuck with it if I for some reason don't like it, but I doubt I will be dissapointed.

My initial tests from a 15 galloon batch I made last friday were almost spot on what they advertise. My mag reading was lower than expected, but my ceachem mag kit always reads really low, so I was not concerned with it.
I have used both. When I first started my tank it was all I knew. Once I learned about dosing etc and talked with my good friend Chris at Einsteins, he recommended that I try the Seachem salt. Since then, I dose less and the parameters seem to be more consistent after a water change. Guess its all up to preference really. I like it and will continue to use it till something better comes along thats at the same price point.
You simply cannot beat Keen Reefs price of less than $40 a bucket of reef salt... Seriously a great deal!
I've been using Seachem Reef since May of '08. Before that was TMPR, than Oceanic, than IO before that.

I used to test, test, test, test, test, test.............................Now I test every other month or so................

My PH, Calcium, Mag, Alk never waver (I also add 2 part on a cheap aqua-medic pump 4x daily).

Every time I did a water change prior, I had to add this and that, due to the fact that the water change depleted everything!

Only thing to remember is subtract about 2 from your dkh because of the high level of Borate Alk (corals need carbonate alk)! That keeps everything soluble & ph straight!
Well I guess I'll give it a shot. I never ran into issues as far as dosing is concerned...the reactor takes care of that. I guess I'll give it a shot and see what happens. Thanks everyone for your responses. Ans, nah I knew you were going to respond because we had that talk about the seachem salt a few weeks ago :)
lol...its cool.. I talk it up everychance I get.. I think they should send me some free salt for all the hype I give them
Seachem Reef Crystal is all I use now. With a weekly water change I no longer dose anything. I know if you ask Tim at Keene Reef he uses Seachem inhouse only now. That says a lot to me when a LFS uses it.
i stared using Seachem also.
FWIW Both seachem and IO /reef crystals may soon be in short supply so you might want to keep a month or 2 supply on hand
Seachem is much better.

Also, remember to mix the dry salt first (seems to yield more consistent results for me when I make a smaller than usual batch-i make big batches!)
Thanks again guys. Yeah I typically do about 15g's a week on my 140 so salt lasts me a good bit. I would do more, but I don't have an easy way of doing it here at my house :(
I've used IO since I started the hobby (7 years) and just switched to Seachem Reef this bucket to try it out. The one thing that I really noticed is the water is much, much clearer for me in the tank.
I mean, IO has never done me wrong. Even when I had my fully stocked tank I never had an issue....although I did have a CA reactor on the tank. I guess I'll try the Seachem salt to see how it does for me.