Seagrass and/or mangroves?


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Hey all,

Just wondering how many of you (if any) use seagrass (what type?) or mangroves in your sumps? or both?

if one, why that one over the other? if both, why both?

and are either of them really that much better than just good ole LR and Cheato????


PS - Alan, I know you've got mangroves but what were the reasons for the choice?
My reasons were that I like the way mangroves look. I wanted to grow the roots out of the sump. I want a very natural look. Also I have never seen a home aquarium with mangroves grown that way.
cool...thanks basically about filtration wise...did you notice any big advantages/ disadvantages?
Not really yet. When they root i would say that they will help a bit. I also have a good sized skimmer. I just like mangroves. Good luck buddy
I've heard that once the mangroves are actually grown properly you "shouldnt" need a skimmer. I guess these two will fight against eachother and the skimmer might actually kill the mangroves because it'll take out too much waste. However, i don't have them, and thats only something I've heard and not completely certain about. But they sure do look cool ;)
I've had mangroves for a year or so. I've gotta constantly prune them or they burn on the lights. These days I just let em burn :).

Anyways, I've got a tiny lil skimmer on the tank and produce very little skimmate. I also have a heavy bioload and no nuisance algae to speak of or aptasia or anything deleterious really. Calfo says that mangroves have no real impact.

I would never run my reef without them though... I think they make a difference but that's just my opinion.
I have ten red mangroves and four white mangroves. I think if you have enough of them they would be a great filter. I'm planning on adding a bunch more in a connected mangrove tank eventually.
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very cool guys. are you mangrove peeps also using cheato or are you leaving it all up to the mangroves? I think I may give it a shot down here in Miami sinc its so easy to get mangrove seeds. I imagine that no matter what it cant hurt.

What lights are you guys growing them with and how high above the plant?

No responses on the seagrass huh?
oh btw, I also posted this question on the RC S. FLA forum figuring that mangrove fuges may be a little more common down is what one guy had to say about it...

"Live rock will do significantly more denitrating than anything else, and the whole idea of using the skimmer is to remove organics before they have the chance to break down into ammonia->nitrite->nitrate. A mangrove might take up a small ammount of nitrates and phosphates, but does not remove the organics from the water, if anything else it'll add more organics. Also you can absolutely kill any plant matter (mangroves included) if you try to introduce them to a high nitrate level tank. They can only stand levels up to 50ppm or so (I read all this somewhere... probably advanced aquarist or something? I'd look it up but I'm scraping my time together just to be on our forums. I'm sure work doesn't look favorably on surfing the net all day). If the nitrates rise too quickly, they'll shut down and will not reduce nitrates, and will die off, increasing ammonia->etc->etc.

People think that a skimmer reduces nitrates. It does not. It simply removes organics before they can process through the nitrogen cycle into nitrate. A mangrove will absorb a tiny bit of the end of the nitrogen cycle, and a BIG maybe on the idea that maybe it's own surface area can keep a small population of aerobic nitrogen reducer microbes on it, but not likely, and not in significant enough quantity to make a difference really."