Seahorse tank ideas?


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I'm converting my 30g to possibly a warm temp seahorse tank. I'm in the early stages, I have the tank of course and I just picked up a MH set for lighting so I can grow some coral as well. My main question is, what kind of sandbed should I go for. I wanted to go deep 3" or 4" with a mix of a bag of sugar sized sand and some crushed coral, but I'm thinking the sand would eventually just sink and the base would be nothing but crushed ideas on that.

I wanted to throw in a pair of bangiis, do you guys think they're slow enough swimmers to do well w/ seahorses.

What kind of corals would fair well in this sort of tank? Sea fans for them to hang on to? I kow seahorses don't like high flow so I couldn't get sps in there, but how about some lps or...

I'll leave it at that for now, thanks for any ideas or suggestions.
I have 4 reidi horses in a 30 cube that is 77-79 and they do well. They breed all the time (with is rather morose, because there is nothing I can, or want to do with the fry). I have a sand bed which is about 3 inches too. Why do you want to mix the two substrates?
jmaneyapanda;241686 wrote: I have 4 reidi horses in a 30 cube that is 77-79 and they do well. They breed all the time (with is rather morose, because there is nothing I can, or want to do with the fry). I have a sand bed which is about 3 inches too. Why do you want to mix the two substrates?

Thats fairly warm water, I just don't think I could cool the tank to 70 all year round. As for mixing, There are benefits to both and foolishly hoped that it would work, but when I actually think about it, I do not think it would do much good. So I was curious which is best over all. Would a finer bed help hold PH vs crushed coral?

And I'm in the early stages. I wont have horses in the tank for a couple months for sure, so I just need to get some ideas/research.
stickx911;241691 wrote: Thats fairly warm water, I just don't think I could cool the tank to 70 all year round. As for mixing, There are benefits to both and foolishly hoped that it would work, but when I actually think about it, I do not think it would do much good. So I was curious which is best over all. Would a finer bed help hold PH vs crushed coral?

And I'm in the early stages. I wont have horses in the tank for a couple months for sure, so I just need to get some ideas/research.

Reidi are typically found in Caribbean waters (Brazil is a common wild location) where the water does remain quite warm. That is why I selected them. I have heard that erecetus and kudas fair quite poorly above 75, and that was not my desire (my SH tank is also my frag tank).
The larger the substrate size, the more detritus it will hold, so I wen twith the sand, as flow is not extreme. However, in my main display (210 gallon), I do keep crushed coral, because it maintains the looks, and doesnt get blown around by the ridiculous flow in there. If pH control is going to be a problem, dont rely on the substrate. It wont do much to help that (and either will suffice).
Are there any other varieties that seem to fair well in warmer temps that can be found (or ordered) locally?
stickx911;241712 wrote: Are there any other varieties that seem to fair well in warmer temps that can be found (or ordered) locally?

Not that I know of. Also, PLEASE make sure you get captive bred ones.
there are some at aquarium center for $36, they are kellogii
blind1993;241771 wrote: there are some at aquarium center for $36, they are kellogii"></a>[/QUOTE]

those are colder water, get too big and wild caught...(only found out through further reading on the species)
Thanks for the suggestion though
Jeremy, is your frag/seahorse tank plumbed into your main system? Is that feasable? I have a extrenal fuge now that is just full of pods and macros. Seahorses might be cool if I ever get the the urge.