Seam Failure


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After 22 years in this lovely, frustrating hobby it finally happened to me. As I was shutting my house up late Monday night I noticed a puddle by my main display tank. Since I had done a water change earlier, I assumed I knocked something loose. After a fruitless search of any and all connections under the tank, I looked up. There was a bead of water running down a corner. Found it! I thought I had screwed up the orientation on a powerhead as was pushing water out the top. Wrong. I wiped the seam and watched as water spring from the middle of the corner seal.

I started this post with the goal of letting y'all know what I did and what saved my bacon in terms of limiting damage but now I'm just bummed. I haven't been talking to many reef pals because I just don't want to talk about it. The fish are alright and I was able to move most of the corals to a frag system that's in my basement. I've had a large 50g tank in my basement for years and I was able to put most of the live rock in that. So, things are o.k. I've just got a lot of work ahead of me and thinking about it just bums me out.
Sorry that happened but happy to hear you were able to catch it in time and was able to save everything.
Man that's the worst. There is absolutely nothing more heartbreaking and demoralizing than finding a leak. Prayers you pull through & find something to excite you again.
Gotta look at the bright side of things, that you were able to catch it before it completely busted. Imagine if it had happened while you were asleep or gone for the day.

My DIY frag tank blew at a seem months after running, because I added some sand to it for the first time. Luckily it happened while I was home and my daughter pointed it out. I was able to minimize the damage to the hardwood floors and get everything soaked up, and buckets under the stand to collect what was still pouring out. If that had happened the next day, I’d be paying for all new hardwood floors in the living room of my rental.
Mr T Crying GIF
Current tank room :) This hobby is full of headaches. Gotta love it to be in it. Wish you the best on the new tank
IMG_1503.jpegTank room after the goddamn tank issue :(
IMG_2294.jpegTank room before issueIMG_2282.jpeg
Hands down the worst thing that can happen in reefing. Glad you are sticking with it after that disaster. The club should give you the equivalent of a Purple Heart badge. You are a survivor!
So I have my mp40’s set for nutrient export just before lights out. The water really sloshes against the tank. Is that asking for trouble long term? Does anyone else do nutrient export that way?
So I have my mp40’s set for nutrient export just before lights out. The water really sloshes against the tank. Is that asking for trouble long term? Does anyone else do nutrient export that way?
I doubt water motion from powerheads would cause a seam problem in any tank, but could expose a problem that already exists. I also don't believe any powerhead setting can cause nutrient export, the only way that could happen is if it was expelling water from the tank.
So I have my mp40’s set for nutrient export just before lights out. The water really sloshes against the tank. Is that asking for trouble long term? Does anyone else do nutrient export that way?
I think you're good. In the past I've had salt creep build when the surface agitation pushed water up and over the top of the glass and under the plastic rim. At that time water slowly leaked down the seam since it was in a corner. When I saw the we seam I thought that may be it. Alas, it wasn't.
What saved me? I had a 45g tank that I rinsed out and set up, quickly. That bought me time. It consisted of the glass, a heater and a single powerhead. Most of the critters have been moved or given away. The only fatality was a Royal Gramma that somehow got smooshed while I was moving rocks. I added him to the frag tank but he looked pretty rough. I haven't seen him since so I'm assuming he's a goner.
I'm sorry this happened. Did you figure out where the leaking seam stemmed from? Was it age? Or just unlucky?
I feel your pain and disgust Justin. I had a similar issue several years ago with a 300 gallon. Like you, I was able to save the livestock. Hang in there my friend!
I will always keep an extra tank in the attic for if it ever happens to me so I can save as much as possible.
That's exactly what save my behind. It was still a giant mess and a ton of wet, panicked work but I had the emergency space to keep the losses to a minimum.