Seastar/starfish ?


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Anyone know where I can find a med/large seastar for a fish only aquarium? I saw some really cool ones @ the LFS on Johnsons Ferry RD, but they came from someone's tank and were not for sale. I am looking for one that will get around 6-10" when fully grown. I have looked online and at most LFS in Atlanta, but no luck...Any ideas? I don't have a lot of live rock in this display, nor do I keep the calcium levels up. The only other inverts in the tank are sandsifting stars and the long orange nass. snails (sand sifters). Something like this...

The ones your talking about at Marine Fish were those in that bowfront tank? I was going to say you should check those out if they aren't the same one's.
They had some pretty large choc chip stars at Optimum Aquarium the last couple times ive been in there.They were very reasonably priced as well.
Yes-they were in the bow front along with all the other stars.... I'm really not looking for a choc chip, something with more color, but thankd for the reply.
I've found some interesting stars at Atlantis, which isnt too far from marine fish.
Get them when there healthy because nothing really lives long at that store. I used to work there for about a year.
mfliin wrote: Yes-they were in the bow front along with all the other stars.... I'm really not looking for a choc chip, something with more color, but thankd for the reply.

I didnt realize that Optimum Aquarium has a bowfront tank but i do know that Marine Reef does.Why not order one online?"></a>

I think that the 1 I have in my tank, but then again I could be wrong. Anyhow it ATLEAST a foot+ long.

Let me know if you want it
Ahhh, it was at the Marine Fish and Reef on Johnsons Ferry Rd. The starfish were in the top tank in the middle of the store, with all the other choc chips and snails. I'm not looking for a serpent or a brittle star. I am looking for a nice Seastar (starfish) to go in my fish only. The harlequin tusk I have wil eat any serpent seastar in a matter of minutes. The search continues.....Mike
I haven't been into Atlantis for years. I wonder if it has improved at all?
There were a couple of very pretty blue Linckias at Posiedon's Reef when I went yesterday :yes:
I used to work at Atlantis and that place is rediculous. I would not recommend going there. Nothing is healthy, the boss is a jerk and the place is REALLY dirty!
I was there aquarium shopping as it was down the road from Marine in Dec... scary place. I can't speak for the livestock quality, but I would never buy anything from a store that filthy. At the very least, they should clean out the mini-pond in front of the store and maybe clean up some of the tanks.

I don't know how they make money in that place especially surrounded by much better shops... at least asthetically speaking.
I don't know how there still in buisiness either. I think there wa sonly a couple day out of the whole year I worked there that they broke $1000.00. As far as the blue Linkia goes. I don't know much about them but I know Atlantis couldn't keep them very long because they died all the time.