Serpent Star Changing


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Hello all, this is my first post and it's kind of an odd one. We bought a serpent star 6 days ago and it's changing. Can anyone tell me what's going on by looking at the photo? I googled and found that it may be pregnant or giving birth. Can anyone confirm this? Is this something I should be concerned with? Any tips on caring for baby stars?
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I don't think it ate anything. We had it in our small quarantine tank that we use to acclimate out new additions and to make sure new fish don't have ich or any other harmful parasites. All of my nerite snails and blue leg hermits are accounted for. The serpent star is actually bulging up like that and then deflating. After it deflates there looks to be like a pin sized hole in the top.
Sorry I misunderstood I thought he was bulging for some time. I have no idea what he's doing. Maybe someone can chime in.