serpent star vs clam


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So I awoke this morning to find my 5" maxima clam dead. Well it was on its way out since my tank crashed over christmas. I thought it was getting better then all of a sudden it started hardly opening. Well I figured I'd just leave him and see if he got better. Obviously he didn't, but when I picked him up I looked underneath to see what was there. Well I found a serpent star completely inside the clam, having eatin through the bottom.

Now my question, is this an after effect of the clam dying and the serpent sensing it so then going to eat <u>or</u> is this a case of the star attacking the week clam?

thanks in advance for your help.
it was prolly a hungry star sensing a dying clam. Wouldnt be too suprised if there were other inverts at the picnic.
Yeah I honestly doubt that he would go for a healthy clam. I would say he saw a week animal and took the oportunity.
k thats what I figured but I have a brand new beutiful 6 inch deresa and I would be sick if he got attacked. So wanted to make sure...
