Setting up 150g soon- ?'s about equipment


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I'll be setting up my 150g FOWLR predator tank in about 3-4 months when I'm in my new apt. Im still fixing up the stand but will be buying my equipment soon. So what all do you think i should get?

-Lights: since im not going to have coral I dont need nice lights and im not looking to spend a ton. Ive got t5s on my 75 now and love them, but im thinking about maybe just going PC's. Would a 72'' 4x96w pc plenty of light? ive never owned pc's so i cant picture if they are not as bright and what not.

-Sump: ive thought about getting a used 55g and throwing in some baffles. only problem with that is its hard to find them not tempered so i couldn't drill it for an external pump. if i decide to buy a premade sump how big should i go and does a refugium really have any benefits for a non reef tank? or should i just used bio balls, or something else?

Skimmer: my buddy hooked me up with a redsea berlin skimmer that is rated up to 250gallons so im hoping that will be more than enough. but i dont have a pump for it, so how big of a mag should i get?? also has anyone used this skimmer before?? is it good and easy to adjust?

Return Pump: the tank only has a single over flow with a 2" bulkhead going to the sump so thats 6-900gph max right?? if im right the pump doesnt have to be super strong and ive still got to figure out if im going submersible or external pump due to not knowing if my sump is going to be drill-able so what do you think i should do?

Closed Loop Pump: well the tank is already has two .5'' holes drilled in the bottom so im going to take advantage of that and go closed loop. just hate the look of power heads and id like to try something new. so how big of a pump should i go with?? and anyone got any good plumping ideas for this? i plan on using the holes in the bottom as the return with some lock line sticking up through the sand. but still cant decide on how to make the overflow. i could drill some holes in the top two corners and cap the bulk heads off with a drain cover or just use some 90* elbows and hang them just below the water level. pictures would be a great help to guys!
PC's would be fine for FO.....55g are usually only tempered on the could be drilled with caution....Not the best skimmer but for
FO should suffice.....I'd say a mag 5 or 7 maybe even a 3 would work....for the return a mag 9.5 or similar would work....For closed loop maybe a decent reeflo or one comparable.....barracuda and so on....
ah alrighty thanks!

as far as the tempered tank goes, i was just going by an old 55 i used to have as well as a used one i was going to pick up from optimum but the sticker said all glasses was tempered. meh either way i may just go with a submersible anyway. will save me a bit of cash too.