Setting up a DSB. Sand recommendations and where to buy.


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I'm in the process of gathering equipment and materials for a 93 gallon cube setup. I plan on a detailed build thread in the near future. My question is what particular brand and size of live sand is best for a 4" DSB. I've already heard a variance of opinions on the subject and figured a few more wouldn't hurt. I do know that I want there to be an abundance of "life" in my DSB and system overall. Any suggestions for the best way to seed my live sand. Finally, has anyone had any experience/success with Manado live rock? Can you give some details on your experience/success or lack thereof?

Thanks in advance. I want my setup to be as good as possible, and I appreciate all the help I can get.

SEA had a sand sale not too long ago. Einstein having a sale on some 40lb bags of black and white sand. Aviarium has nice prices usually on sand .
I was at PetsMart Alpharetta the other day and they had 3 30 lb bags of Caribsea Sugar fine sand on sale for cheap.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to check these spots. No body has Manado live rock?
Why do you plan to run a DSB? It works in the short run, but I have seen very few successful DSB tanks long-term. Look at RCs TOTM. I don't remember any in recent history that ran DSB.
I've been running a DSB on my 95 gallon for about 2 years now. The risk with a DSB that there is a gas that can build up and cause a tank crash. Don't recall the name of the gas off the top of my head though.

From what I was told when I set mine up is that it can be avoided with nassarius snails. They'll move the sand enough to allow the gas to escape without building to dangerous levels but still maintain the DSB beneficial properties. Now the question of course is a DSB really needed with other options available?? Probably not. But it is an option. By far the cheapest out there AND one of the best quality ive seen in a while, not to mention they prewash it so its good to just dump right in..... Bahama Aragonite Sand

Ive run DSB on all my tanks with no ill effects, not to mention when you have Gobys, pistol shrims, and other such livestock its a must..... like stated above just get something that will stir the sand bed daily which is what makes the most diff. if the tank will crash, and by no means disturb it and just go around stirring it when you feel like long as you have something a fish or invert meant for stirring the bed your good to go, the gasses won't really build up
Don't have time to go into detail, but I was running a DSB in my fuge. I did away with it a couple weeks ago after it being there for 8 months.
Where in Alpharetta? How cheap is cheap.
it was like $15 bucks at the one on Cobb. After just finishing mine this week my biggest suggestion design wise is make sure you have a good drain. I just used a 5gal bucket and put the whole 30lbs bag in, filled up 8in i'd say. I drilled two 1 3/4 holes and installed bulkheads. On the inside of the bucket I put two 90 degree elbows on short sections of pvc pipe. I left these unglued so I can rotate them to adjust the areas of turbulence if i find a dead spot. Because of the poor drain (air pockets kept blocking flow) i positioned the drain elbow facing straight up and slowed my flow down. I'm letting the tank water establish the sand and then adding a bristle worms and some snails to the bucket. Because I used my main manifold I am pulling water from the end of the sump, but at least it'll save power and low effects on flow to the tank (thanks what powerheads are for). No results yet on my setup, but it was pretty darn easy to put together. its like $14.95 for 40lbs of Bahama Aragonite Sand and half of that if you buy rock also
My reason in setting up a DSB are simply that I like the look over a shallow bed and that I'd like to house livestock that will thrive in DSB. I'd hate to want to go thru the process of adding sand in the future.