Setting up skimmer...


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Have a skimmer. Brand new. Have it in my sump testing it out. What should I dore as far as washing it etc.....
Any chemicals near my setup make me nervous. Even one's that are supposed to be used as medications I shy away from. I may be a little OCD when it comes to this but I rinse my hands and arms off real good before i work with anything that may have contact with tank water becaue I worry about contamination. I've had an accident in the past so I'm naturally very cautious when chemicals of any type are around.
Some people clean with bleach and wash it off very well. I dont trust this because the chemicals can kill. Try a pressure washer, it should get rid of anything.
Okay, thanks all. I guess maybe I am the one thats OCD now that I think of it...haha. Your right its
you can add skimmate from another skimmer to make your skimmer dirty...this will speed up the "break in" period. Is this what you're asking?
Yes, that is what mean. I knew there was something that you are supposed to do.
:) I'm sure anyone will donate some nasty skimmate to help you out. You're welcome to some of mine