Setting up the 150- need advice


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So- I get to move my 150 into the living room after the Cmas tree is taken down, so by this weekend :)

Now, my problem- how do I get everything from the 90 into it without a cycle.

Here's what I have-
A full 90g
An empty 150g
A rubbermaid container with a bunch of DEAD rock that has been in water from my WC for 2 days
A trashcan full of dead sand

I need the sand from the can and my sand in the 150, and I am gonna need most all of the rock.

I was thinking that If I put my 90g rock into containers and move the dead and live sand into the 150 first, add the dead rock and as much water as I can get out of the 90, next- Then I could let it sit for a few hours to settle the dust and sand, then add my corals/fish/rock from the 90g.

dry or dead?
like new dry sand or old sand from someone else that just dried up.

if new/dry, I think you'll avoid a real cycle and you can do as planned. if live/dead, that's another issue.
The sand is from Jerry's tank- it sat outside in a trashcan at his house, he rinsed it and gave it to us, we came home, rinsed it again, and put it in the can that we have. So it used to be live a long time ago, but now it's not- it's dry.
That is really beyond me. I would expect at least some die-off to still be in that sand, but I could be wrong. Even then, I couldn't say how much. I'm sure you wouldn't cause a big cycle, but if you have any sensitive things going into the 150, there may be an issue.
I think that you may end up with a small cylce if there are any died critters in the sand. I've actually done it. I would put the sand in there and see if you get a spike. Maybe a few days. Just my thoughts. I think Stick may be right.
is your rock dead or just dry? If it is dead it will cycle...
It used to be live rock, and then sat outside for 2 years. We got it and boiled it all- since then, it's been in a container inside our house.

Right now, it's in a container with a heater and powerhead in water from our water changes.
The rock seems like it'd be clean, so that's good. Does the sand have a die-off smell to it? not really the best way to check, but if it smells awful then you'll likely have a cycle.