Sexy shrimp and watchman goby/tiger pistol


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What's up guys? Quick question.. Would sexy shrimp do ok in a tank with a yellow watchman goby and tiger pistol shrimp or would they become lunch?

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Do you have an Anemone? They ususally hang out in Anemone for protection and pistol shrimp usually just hang out with the goby in caves they have dug out. I rarely see my 4 pistol shrimp.
I don't have a Nem, this tank is going to be my zoa garden and I wanted it to be a more invert focused tank.

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They are really a cool invert, but really small and without a anemone, I'm not sure how it would do. Maybe others could chime in that may have one without an anemone. :)
They can take refuge in zoas, mushrooms, polyps, etc... but they seem to prefer the nems for sure. But as mentioned above as long as the sexy shrimp settle in somewhere they should be fine with those tanks mates.