Sg question


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So this tank has been nothing but trouble.
I test my sg at home with a refractometer it reads 1.026 I put reg ro water on it and it reads 0.
Take some to the lfs and it reads 1.040 they put ro on it and it reads 0. What are the chances of mine being broken?
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“What are the chances of mI ne being broken?”

?- is that supposed to read mine ?
So this tank has been nothing but trouble.
I test my sg at home with a refractometer it reads 1.026 I put reg ro water on it and it reads 0.
Take some to the lfs and it reads 1.040 they put ro on it and it reads 0. What are the chances of mI ne being broken?
This happened to my manual refractometer before and I can definitely relate. That’s why now I have a digital refractometer and tropic Marin hydrometer
Specific gravity using refractometer should and need to be calibrated time to time. Even better if you have extra ones to compare to.

From my understanding; SG need to be calibrated to the temperature of the sample for accurate reading, compare to PPT does not matter with the temperature. I have both digital one and handheld one in case of fluctuation if it happens. I check twice when I make large changes to the tank like adding rocks or sand etc.

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I have had an amazon refractometer that no matter how it was calibrated it would read off. I had to take it up to Rit at @atlantaaquarium and he confirmed it was a bad refractometer.
I’ve had the same thing happen as well. It turned out the calibration solution was causing the problem. I found a thread on R2R to make my own solution and have used that without problems.
Would you happen to have the link?
York1 posted the link to Randy Holmes original thread. I’ve also added the link from R2R with some additional discussions.

I've loved my Hanna Handheld too. I still test with a freshly calibrated Refractometer to make sure things are all in line once in a while but 95% of my readings are done with the Hanna. It could be the refractometer but I've never personally had one be that far off.
It was in fact the refractometer. It was off by a lot. Got a new one in today and a hydrometer and both read the same and are reading high