SG question


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I'm switching salts and next weekend will be for 1st water change. I'm wanting to know the best way to raise the salinity in my tank I know it's low. And I don't want to waste salt. By mixing my new water at xxx sg and the tank be way lower bc that would just dilute it wouldn't it? Or I'm I making this harder then it will be? Lmao
How much lower are you? Honestly I think sometimes we overthink this stuff. I've done water changes with as much as .002 difference with no ill effects, granted I'm usually only changing 30 gallons in a 140g system.
This is a good solution and will keep you from shocking your fish and corals.:yes:

NorthGaHillbilly;995581 wrote: I would mix the salt the same, but top off with slightly salty water to slowly bring it up.
jtsreef;995586 wrote: I know it's not .026 like I want it to be.
I'll have to check again

I just add salt to my sump (a little a few time a day) to raise it to where it needs to be if it's low. Then use correct salinity with your water change.
If your specific gravity is low and you want to raise it slowly, over time, just top it off with saltwater instead of fresh for a few days and keep an eye on the SG until it's where you want it to be.

No need to break out a calculator and a slide rule ;)
