shark egg


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hey guys i just bought a shark egg and wanted to know how long it takes to hatch
cool-I don't know anthing about them, but good luck; what size tank you got it in??
BTW you should 've posted this in the 'reef discussion' forum; this is a for sale forum; no biggie, just thought I'd let ya know-
hey guys i just bought a shark egg and wanted to see if u guys knew how long it takes to hatch(i have an 80 gallon tank he will be in) thx
ditto to twist of lime's response. I think minimum size would be like a 180, but I could be wrong. he's prob. be ok for alittle while, but I'm sure they can't have any LR in there-just a sand base.
i think it will be fine for a little bit then i can just sell him
gdog;286615 wrote: i think it will be fine for a little bit then i can just sell him
I really wish people would stop buying fish that "will be ok until he gets too big then I'll just sell him". It's irresponsible even when you know what the fish is, let alone when you have no idea what kind of shark you're getting from the egg.

You probably don't have the setup necessary to keep it for any period of time. Tank size is only a beginning criteria for keeping even the smallest shark at home.

The advice you'll find here is to take it back to the store you got it from. I understand it's not the advice you want to hear. It's not the "best advice" or "good advice", but rather the only advice open to a responsible aquarist.

You're not the first person to make an unwise purchase. Everyone here has done it and there's no shame in it. The shame is if you could do something responsible to correct it and stubbornly don't.
George;286620 wrote: I really wish people would stop buying fish that "will be ok until he gets too big then I'll just sell him". It's irresponsible even when you know what the fish is, let alone when you have no idea what kind of shark you're getting from the egg.

You probably don't have the setup necessary to keep it for any period of time. Tank size is only a beginning criteria for keeping even the smallest shark at home.

The advice you'll find here is to take it back to the store you got it from. I understand it's not the advice you want to hear. It's not the "best advice" or "good advice", but rather the only advice open to a responsible aquarist.

You're not the first person to make an unwise purchase. Everyone here has done it and there's no shame in it. The shame is if you could do something responsible to correct it and stubbornly don't.
Well said.
its an 80 but im not planning on keeping it a buddy of mine has a 200 gallon and wants it so im just waiting for it to hatch
good luck, man-like said above-I'm not coming down on you or nothing-but would be best to take it back; w/ that in mind-i'd have no live rock, and the oolite sand; you need massive filtration, and PM andregarcia-he know s little about sharks-lol
i got my water tested before i got it and my buddy has had his tank up and running for over three years, now i dont know how much rock but hes got alot like max that he can put in and i dont know what kinda stuff hes running he never told me
I've hatched a fair amount of bamboo sharks. Everyone is differnet. I've had from days to months. Try to look through the sac and see if you can see the size. If it's still embryonic and attached to the yolk, you have a while. If it has its form and color striping, it will be sooner.