Should I buy


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i saw this for sale for $150 should i buy it? i am trying to be disiplined but i REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT IT
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I would think thats a lot of money for a scroll coral but it's up to you.
buy it if it worth $150 to you.
When I buy stuff it all about how much it worth to me not to other.
how much should i try to get him down to? i have never bought a coral that big before.
As a friend of mine says "If you see a coral that you like, buy it now before it's gone. Especially, if it's one that you hardly ever see."
I look at it as it is only worth what you're willing to pay for it.

Can yo better, maybe if you look long and hard enough.
sagent3000;145162 wrote: how much should i try to get him down to? i have never bought a coral that big before.

Our sponsor,">Scientific Coral</a>, routinely carries scroll corals. I bought mine about a year ago, and it grows quickly if you have good calcium, pH, lighting, and water movement in your tank. It's really taken off since I added a kalk chamber to my ATO and put it close to the top of my tank under 250W MH.

This would be a much cheaper alternative!
Call Sal and ask about the one he has. It is much prettier and bigger. Don't know what he is asking for it.
humptrax;145242 wrote: is that a scroll or a monti cap?

its a scroll

CGill311 wrote: I bought mine about a year ago, and it grows quickly if you have good calcium, pH, lighting, and water movement in your tank.

i have everything you are saying. i have 8 t-5's i alternate ATO of calcium and Alk every day. i have a tunze 6000 (controlled) and a tunze nanostream 6045 and i still get slow coral growth even though people say they are supposed to grow fast
ALL my corals grow slow i have a GSP that i have had for more than a year and its still the size of a quater. zoos grow even slower. i have a kenya tree that won't grow, and a pom pom that still has only 4 heads and i bought it months ago
Sounds like low alk, Ca or pH. Something is retarding growth and I bet it is pH.
sagent3000;145355 wrote: ALL my corals grow slow i have a GSP that i have had for more than a year and its still the size of a quater. zoos grow even slower. i have a kenya tree that won't grow, and a pom pom that still has only 4 heads and i bought it months ago

Yeah, something is definitely off. GSP, zoas, kenyas, and xenia should all grow like weeds. What is your lighting? How old are your bulbs? You may want to start another thread to figure out what part of your chemistry is off target.
Barbara;145367 wrote: Dude something is wrong! What kind of salt do you use? How often do you do water changes? I know you say your params are good. What is the temp in the tank? The results you are reporting are just weird!

i use tropic marin pro reef. i have slowed down doing the water changes i used to do 30% change every week. but now ites been two weeks since the last change.

cameron wrote: Sounds like low alk, Ca or pH. Something is retarding growth and I bet it is pH
i alternate ca and alk every day

as for the pH i will have to check on that one