should i consider ozone


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ok i plan on having a very heavy bioload and i want to be able to keep sps clams lps anemone and alot of fish.i have a das ex 1 protien skimmer and it does an amazing job ...would i be able to conect this skimmer to it if i need it and would it benifit me in any way or do i have other options? if recomended what would be a enexpesive unit to get ?thanks all in advance
I would only ever consider it as a last option if you're having bad water clarity issues that cause you to use incredible amounts of carbon and/or purigen.
Can't argue with Tonys statement and you don't need it, but many people (including myself run it) and it does provide some benefit. Here is the summarization of the Ozone articles in ReefKeeping Magazine:


All things considered, the ozone provided a small but significant increase in water clarity. While it may also be providing other benefits, I have been unable to show them definitively.

My concern with using ozone, aside from its initial capital expense, has been to protect both my aquarium inhabitants and my family from any harmful effects of ozone or its byproducts. Using the equipment described above (especially the activated carbon treatment of both the water and the air to remove ozone and its byproducts), I am satisfied that the system I use is adequately safe on all accounts.

Because of the safety issue's resolution and the water clarity effects, I believe I will continue to use ozone with my tubing reactor and GAC column. I will probably not bother to continue to use the air dryer, but when the humidity is highest later in the summer, I may again compare the relative effectiveness of the ozone generation with and without the dryer.

Happy Reefing!"></a>

