Should I mess with it??


Reaction score
Calcium 380ppm
Alk 8.5 Dkh
Magnesium ??
pH .1-8.2

Should I mess with it? or just keep dripping the kalk and let it go?

It seems balanced to me, so if i add calcium today, and washing soda tomorrow it will get to normal sea level.

What do you suggest?
The key is stability. Are your numbers stable over several days/weeks? if so, and it seems like the kalk is keeping up with the tank's demands as far as maintaining your levels, then it's just fine I would think.

All your numbers could be bumped up a little bit quite safely I would think, although I would try to measure your Mag since it can be a key in helping to stabilize Alk levels.

Personally, I would take your time and chart your tank's demands. you could continue to dose kalk and measure the levels over a week's time to see what falls, if anything, and then dose accordingly.

You also might want to think about a calcium reactor depending on those demands...
yea calcium seems to stay at this point right now. I'm waiting for my magnesium test kit and the 124 oz of Tech M from fostersmith. ima pull the magnesium to 1300+ and then add reef advantage powder and up the calcium 25ppm/day and alk .5-1dkh/day

Sounds good?
Sounds like a good plan. Careful not to overdose Mag--it can cause precipitation just like overdosing calcium, though you may not see a "snowstorm."