Should I remove sand bed


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ok.. I have a unique op here to get TO MY SAND.

I'm redoing some aquascaping and thus I'll be pulling a lot of stuff out as I do it.

Should I get that sand bed out? it is about 2 years old

This is my reasonably established SPS tank that most of you have at least seen pics of.

yes or no... any advice is appreciated.

I'm split between BB and sand. It just looks so natural to have sand in there so that's what I'm going with.
I got bb.and did not plan it to be.But when it was time to put sand in.i could not do it.By the way igot thread about a birdnest.Can you take a look it.Its got me sick.Thanks
leveldrummer;899941 wrote: do you have any fish that benefit from sand? wrasses? sifters? watchmen/pistols? even scooters and mandarins browse the sand constantly, if you have anything that likes the sand, leave it.

if not, your free to move it if your low nutrient tank is important to you growing SPS.

my tank, for whatever reason is ULNS anyway with the sand.. haven't figured out how yet but it is what it is.
SnowManSnow;899915 wrote: ok.. I have a unique op here to get TO MY SAND.

I'm redoing some aquascaping and thus I'll be pulling a lot of stuff out as I do it.

Should I get that sand bed out? it is about 2 years old

This is my reasonably established SPS tank that most of you have at least seen pics of.

yes or no... any advice is appreciated.


It sounds like your system is stable and doing well with your current setup (very low nitrates). If everything is doing well, I would not change it.

What is the rationale for removing the sand? Are you looking for an aesthetic change, or are you wanting to go with an ultra high flow setup to benefit the SPS?
Well the reason is because whenever I manage to stir something up (by moving a rock or something) I see that there is crud in the sand. I don't like crud in my tank;)

I took mine out a bit ago and I already see improvement in corals growth and coloration. I usually ran a BB tank, but for some reason put sand in...def wish I kept it out.
I don't like the BB look. However, I don't think you need sand. I'd think about getting flat backed rocks and doing the whole bottom with those.
Not like you're going to listen to anyone and seeing how the thought was in your head....did you go through with it?
glxtrix;900270 wrote: Not like you're going to listen to anyone and seeing how the thought was in your head....did you go through with it?

well that would kinda defeat the reason for posting a "what would you do" thread :)

I kept the sand bed
Just replace it if u like sand give it a fresh start why not now is the perfect opportunity
SnowManSnow;900354 wrote: well that would kinda defeat the reason for posting a "what would you do" thread :)

I kept the sand bed

Since when do you follow the masses?? :confused2: lol. Good deal...I do agree though, if you're not having any issues...leave it alone. Having said that though, I still think you should remove it :D