Shrimp compatibility?


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Can anyone tell me if fire shrimp and peppermint shrimp are safe in a 24g tank? I need to take care of aptasia, but my fire shrimp is already established...
I had 2 fire shrimp and 2 peppermints in a 20G for over 2 years with no issues back in Dallas. I haven't heard of any problems with the two.
No worries. I would be more worried of larger shrimp in other genuses, but these are both Lysmata</em>, they should be fine.
I'll try to hijack since Chris' question was answered....

Anyone have compatibility experience with coral banded and peppermints?
Tony- thats a trickier one. The Stenopus</em> are very notorious for being a bit more aggressive towrads other shrimp. It is possible, and has been done, but with more caution.
I had 3 peppermints, 1 cleaner, and 1 fire shrimp in the same tank for a week(i was shrimp sitting) without any issuse at all. Everyone looked as happy as a shrimp can look. I still have all of them together with the exception of the cleaner and still no problem.
Coral banded's are very hit and miss. I have seen them rip apart both skunks and peppermints in person! So I personally wouldn't risk it but have heard of success stories. Best bet is to go with only a coral banded or exclude it and you can mix peppermints, scarlets, and blood pretty much at will.
I've had coral banded several times over the years and whenever the other shrimp was small enough, it took a beating.

Fire shrimp would be ok if they are of comparable size. I've never seen a true peppermint that got large enough that I'd say it was safe with anything but a relatively juvenile banded.

There are breeds of bandeds that stay smaller, though.

A great deal of it depends on available territory. My bandeds never went hunting for others. It was more of a territorial issue.
I have had a coral banded for a year and a half. Have had a cleaner for about 9 months along with peppermint. No problems. But did buy a blood shrimp and the next morning the cbs was having a blood shrimp breakfast.
George;33697 wrote:
There are breeds of bandeds that stay smaller, though.

A great deal of it depends on available territory. My bandeds never went hunting for others. It was more of a territorial issue.

Which banded stay small? I couldn't find that information online anywhere, doesn't mean its not out there.
FutureInterest;33757 wrote: Which banded stay small? I couldn't find that information online anywhere, doesn't mean its not out there.
I believe the yellow/red (and possibly the purple-headed breed) are on the 1 1/2" side whereas I'm certain the common white/red ones will grow to 2"-3".