Shrimp Preference


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Does anyone have any insight into the benefits of the Skunk cleaner shrimp vs the peppermint shrimp

theres a big price difference and i was wondering if it is purely looks or if there really was a benefit of the skunk over the peppermint

Thanks for any insight guys and gals
My peppermint shrimp ate a bit of aiptasia I had on a piece of live rock. I have never seen them cleaning the fish.

My skunk cleaner I have seen riding around on my flame angel and clownfish cleaning them off.

I would say it's 80% looks, but it's worth it. I also have a coral banded shrimp and he looks the coolest, but was only $6 (peppermints were 2/$10, and the Cleaner was $22). IMO, the cleaner shrimp is worth the money, but if you want one purely for looks, then the fire shrimp is where it's at (I'm thinking of moving the CBS to another tank soon and getting a fire shrimp).
I've got a fire shrimp. he is a very greedy shrimp, my hand can barely touch the water and he comes out to clean. swims to the top to get food when I feed and cleans the tank(i guess) when I am not looking or at night.
cleans the two firefish i have, although they get annoyed by him though.

thinking about getting another one when the 40 gets going or a cleaner. don't know yet. good luck on your choice
Yeah, I guess I never noticed that because of the other shrimp, but the peppermint shrimp pretty much only come out when I feed the tank, I don't see them just walking around, where as the Skunk Cleaner hangs upside down from a ledge and the Coral Banded just walks all over the tank.
Fire shrimp are one of the coolest looking shrimp out there. I think I may have a lazy one though. He won't clean anything. He just waits for me to feed the fish and waits until something comes near and grabs it.
yup mine does that too, but i don't feed everyday so he has to forage for food.
Barbara;268998 wrote: Peppermints don't survive in my tank. I don't know if it's me, or the shrimps. Plus, they're pretty reclusive. Cleaners are always out and about, and they clean the fish too. Well worth the extra fifteen bucks.


so are what are the differences in cleaners vs fire
I think they are all in the same family. The Peps and Fires just tend to be a little more seclusive.

I do not keep shrimp in my tank because they will tear food out of the corals' mouth if you like to spot feed. Just something to consider if you do that.

I do however keep peps in my fuge, and have seen them doing wat i would consider cleaning to a queen anthias... But it is not the norm.
A "true" peppermint will eat aptasia if you have that problem. A cleaner will clean your fish (and hand) and scavenge for scraps all around the tank. If you have any crabs I would be werry of them eating the peppermint as that is what my emeralds did. They can be sort of wimpy as the cleaner is more aware of the surroundings and fends for himself pretty well. As for looks, the cleaner wins by a landslide.

Overall...the extra $ is well worth it.
do peppermints only go for aiptasia, or will they go for glass and other problem anenomies?
I've actually read among many sources that peppermints do not actually eat aptasia. They rob it from food the consume. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

As far as cleaner shrimp, they are a must hands down. They do a great job going over the rock work and cleaning parasites off the fish.

Coral bandeds are great to look at, but mine rarely comes out unless it's at night. I've also read that coral bandeds will eat nusance bristle worms in the tank.

Peppermints never lasted in my tank either so I've stayed away from them.
maybe i should just get one of each lol then all my bases will be covered... can i have all 3 fire pep and skunk in the same tank? its a 14g biocube with about 12 lbs of LR and rubble in the middle chamber and 20lbs of LS
The fire, peps, and skunks can usually coexist peacefully. The Coral Banded shrimo should not be mixed with them as they are territorial and will commit murder.
I prefer the cleaners as they have a lot more meat on them. You'll never get full off of peppermints as its more trouble than its worth to peel em.
SJ Miller Guy;269932 wrote: I've actually read among many sources that peppermints do not actually eat aptasia. They rob it from food the consume. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

As far as cleaner shrimp, they are a must hands down. They do a great job going over the rock work and cleaning parasites off the fish.

Coral bandeds are great to look at, but mine rarely comes out unless it's at night. I've also read that coral bandeds will eat nusance bristle worms in the tank.

Peppermints never lasted in my tank either so I've stayed away from them.

Many sources? I have never read this, but would like to. If you happen across one post it fer me.

I wouldnt believe it is true since I would assume the aptasia can live on light alone, but I have no evidence. Maybe the shrimp dont eat the aptasia, but pull it apart in search of food, killing it? They will sure tear into a coral to eat ingested foods.
SJ Miller Guy;269932 wrote: I've actually read among many sources that peppermints do not actually eat aptasia. They rob it from food the consume. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

As far as cleaner shrimp, they are a must hands down. They do a great job going over the rock work and cleaning parasites off the fish.

Coral bandeds are great to look at, but mine rarely comes out unless it's at night. I've also read that coral bandeds will eat nusance bristle worms in the tank.

Peppermints never lasted in my tank either so I've stayed away from them.

I was checking out my tank last night and saw my CBS walking around with pieces of a bristleworm in his claws. Guess he had a tasty meal.