Shrimps in love?


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we just purchased a banded coral shrimp and our fire shrimp is either in love, checking him out, or being a little aggressive. Any ideas?
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All inverts are different but i have heard the coral banded shrimp become a bit aggresive.
Live Aquaria rates the CB as Peaceful!! Yikes. Do I return it?
Its usually peaceful to all but other shrimp. It may work out, but I doubt it with what you're seeing.
I added a CBS as my last invert in my 75 after 2 peppermint shrimp and a skunk cleaner. I have not seen any aggression (though I don't doubt it happens) but he seems to move so slow that I'm not sure he could catch my others. Either way, he's moving to the 30 gallon tank that will be in the bar across the room, as soon as that's set up in a month or so.
Ok, so he's now drip acclimating to my QT. We'll take him back tomorrow. I have too many other fish and inverts that I love to risk any aggression for this guy.

And thanks y'all for being there for me, once again.

Dadgum... I try to do my homework but it still wasn't good enough. Egads.

But here's the deal. It was my 10-year-old who bought the shrimp cause we saw one at the Tennessee Aquarium yesterday and he thought it was beautiful. We researched it and it appeared to be a good potential addition.

So he now wants an invert of some kind. We have an emerald crab, peppermint, fire shrimp, and hermit crab in a 70 Gal. What might be cool, get along, and not cost a small fortune?

He has a twin spot goby he loves and decided to "specialize" in bottom dwellers. I don't have an established enough tank for a mandarin.


Oh, and the BCS is in the QT inside a critter keeper. I already had 4 fish in the QT that I got from Live Aquaria a few days ago and they started picking at him. Odd.

How about a goby with a pistol shrimp? Tim @ Keen has several yellow watchman gobies with pistol shrimps...
Here's a pic of one Ace1204 (clint) had before he removed his sand.
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Leslie;266801 wrote: Can we get just one sexy shrimp? The tank is a 70 gal.

From what I read they seem to do better in groups. I have five in my nano and they seem to be doing well together.
Leslie;266801 wrote: Can we get just one sexy shrimp? The tank is a 70 gal.
Too small for a 70 gallon IMO. You'll probably never see them again.
Great idea on the goby/pistol. But the tank is only 4 months old. Do I have enough goody in my sand to keep a twin spot and another goby?
Or could we put the goby/pistol in our 30 gallon? It's 5 months old with 2 clowns, a cleaner shrimp and a peppermint.
Leslie;266814 wrote: Great idea on the goby/pistol. But the tank is only 4 months old. Do I have enough goody in my sand to keep a twin spot and another goby?
Most of them will eat pellets, frozen food, so I think you'd be OK. I'm not sure about the compatability with the other goby, though.
My yellow watchman goby feasts on pellets and mysis in my 75, he's paired up with a pistol shrimp. The Scooter Blenny I have likes to float around their burrow entrance and the pistol will actually 'fire' at him from time to time, for such a little bugger he makes a pretty loud pop! I think your youngin will love watching the pistol in 'bulldozer mode' digging out the burrow, ours is forever cleaning house while the watchman, well, keeps watch. :)