Sick Fish


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Not sure if it is wound or disease. Fish isn't eating. Hanging out by itself of course it's the only one of its kind. Swims ok. Any ideas?
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i had one that died, only ate live food like baby brine shrimp. its solitary and comes out near dusk.
Had it about two months. Was eating very well, then just quit.
Is it still active and acting normal? If not you may want to put it in a QT
It would also be easier to see if it's really anything if you just put a few pieces of food in at a time, turn off return pump...

also offer it the largest.variety of foods you have or can fined.
Sometimes they find something they can't resist even if they are weak and on the way out.
If it had a mate I'd say maybe it was holding eggs (mouth-brooders) but since you said it's the only one...

Any physical symptoms other than loss of appetite?

It had a mate that died earlier. I think it is an infection of some kind. It's got some kind of white build up on its mouth. And tattered pectoral fins along with discoloration on its side. Tried to net it tonight still swims to fast couldn't catch it. It hasn't eaten in several days now.
How long ago did the mate die?

Was it wild-caught or captive bred?
It died a few days before this one quit eating. Not sure as to CB or WC so I will assume WC.
I started with four. One left the group thought it was being picked by the others, it died pretty quick before I could net it. Then after a week or so another one left the group it was still eating but they were definitely picking on it. I netted it and moved it to the sump and gave it away. The pair lasted about a month after that and you know the rest.
gclackum;1067697 wrote: It died a few days before this one quit eating. Not sure as to CB or WC so I will assume WC.
I started with four. One left the group thought it was being picked by the others, it died pretty quick before I could net it. Then after a week or so another one left the group it was still eating but they were definitely picking on it. I netted it and moved it to the sump and gave it away. The pair lasted about a month after that and you know the rest.

Jenn might be onto to the issue. Does his lower jaw look like its buldging? They mouthbrood for up to 18 days. I have 1 male and 2 females and the poor male only gets to eat a few days a month besides swallowing a few every now and then. :)
It was a a wild hunch but I'm not sure that's what it is.

They don't tolerate others of their own kind very well unless it's their own mate. I had 2 females that tolerated each other in a 120 for a while but eventually the older one took out the younger one - they were CB, biological sisters from different broods, about 2 years apart. Before that the older sister had a mate (her brother...) but he died after a Flatworm eXit problem, and I tried to match her up with another and it didn't end well.

It's nearly impossible to sex them except when the male is holding eggs and his jaw will become much more square and pronounced.

Juveniles stick together for safety but once they mature, they don't want anything to do with any other Banggai except their mate.

There have been lots of issues with wild caught specimens having some sort of infection or infestation that kills them off. I'm not sure if it has been identified or not, but what is an otherwise very hardy species, has had lousy survival statistics from wild caught specimens in the last 10 years or so.
