Silly Clown


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I've had this single clown for well over a year (came as part of a coral deal). He has slept face down in the corner since I got him. At the same time he came, I got a smallish pink anemone. The nem grew huge and still, the clown sleeps in the corner.

This morning I turn on the light and find Mr. Clown frolicking in the anemone. Don't know what changed but he/she seems happy with the development.

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Video of the frolicking.

I had 2 clowns and one jumped out / got pushed out (dory), but they have never hosted my nem. I am almost to the point of returning him and getting a new pair. maybe theres hope
My nem started hosting my spots within hours :) She doesn't want the male in there with her though.
ORYANSREEF;1095692 wrote: I had 2 clowns and one jumped out / got pushed out (dory), but they have never hosted my nem. I am almost to the point of returning him and getting a new pair. maybe theres hope
Just a thought here; maybe just purchase a much smaller clown. If the one you have currently is the biggest on the two you had; it's probably a female. If it's the smaller of the two, it's probably a male. If you purchase a much smaller one, the bigger one you have now will probably become a female if you add a much smaller clown. A lot cheaper to purchase a smaller clown then paying a larger price for a new pair. If you were to go out a purchase a new pair; you'll have to find a home for the one you currently have. I say "try and purchase a much smaller clown and see what happens."
