Six Line Wrasse Help!


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Reefers, I got a Six Line Wrasse tonight from a member and have a few questions. It seemed that the SLW was playing dead, or not moving that much in the bucket. Every time I hit a bump he would swim around. When I got the SLW in my tank he settled to the bottom and laid on the sand in two different areas, and now is hiding under a rock. I also got a Ocellaris and he is doing fine. The water paramaters are good, and it didn't seem like either fish was stressed. Is this normal?

I did the drip method for about 30 minutes, no lights. He hasn't moved from under the rock for about 2 hours. I lifted the rock up and it did move, but noticed a slime ball around it. It didn't seems like the breathing was that labored.

Thanks, I hope he pulls through! Do wrasses venture out more when the lights are off or on?
Sounds normal. May even pop in the sand and hide tomorrow. Probably not though. Most likely will just swim in the shadows checking everything out. In a weeks time I hope he'll be swimming around like a little humming bird for ya. When he get's used to it the tank will be his
yeah give him time...they are funny fish. play dead in buckets. the slime is a mucus coating they create to sleep in and they use it to protect themselves. Its cool because they are one of the only fish that you can actually see go to sleep. Mine kicks in about an hour before the main lights go off, wakes up a few hours before they come on.

Dont mess with him too much if you dont see him come out too often for a couple of days. Youll cause him undue stress. hell be out soon enough like smoothie said.
Quick Update, the SLW is swimming around like Michael Phelps, thanks everybody for the encouragement. I have one more question, I have a Peppermint Shrimp for Aptasia control, I read the SLW may eat him as a dinner entree, should I get the PS out.

I've had a Six Line coexisting with peppermint shrimp for a couple years now. Your mileage may vary, of course...
Agreed, the shrimp is safe, but these guys can be real PITA's to new fish when they are introduced so be prepared for him to be a real A-hole when you do.

The wife just had to have one, little does he know he's been voted off the reef by his fellow inhabitants and will soon be residing in a frag tank.
My six line has been in the tank for a couple years, and doesn't mess with any fish unless it looks anything like him (body shape or color). Then, it gets UGLY! He's a real happy go lucky fellow until I add something that he thinks might be another six line, then it is trouble in river city....
The only problem I've had with a six-line was a floor-surfing incident about a year ago.

They've got great personality and are a lot of fun to watch in action.
I've got a sixline with 2 peppermints, 2 cleaners, and 2 fire shrimp with no issues.
