Six-Line Wrasse Tankmates...


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I have a six-line wrasse in a 55g. The other fish inhabitants are a Fisher's dwarf angel, a lawnmower blenny, and a transparent cave goby. I would like to add a few more smallish fish. I would REALLY like to add another wrasse.

I have seen it posted by online stores that six-lines are "peaceful". From anecdotal stories (here and elsewhere) that is only true if the wrasse is dead</em>. :) In my tank, the six-line and the angel are posturing at each other all the time. No one ever gets hurt and it's really the angel that's more aggressive. The LMB and angel chase each other a bit too. I guess they are a group of misfits. :D

So.....what can I add to these guys and have a reasonable chance at keeping the peace? I know each fish is individual and any guess would be just that, a guess.....

I already have two pairs of clowns (in other tanks)....Are there any wrasses that might hold their own against a six-line? BTW, this tank is not really set-up as a reef tank. I might eventually add some corals but that is not priority right now.

Thoughts, suggestions?
I have a six-line with my two yellow wrasses"></a>

and they have been fine together. I agree that each wrasse has a different personalty, so individual results may defer. I like the yellow wrasses.
Bob, yours are in a much bigger tank. Do you think this would work in a 55? God knows I like your yellows. :)
Um, I think so. I know bud has several in the 120 with his flashers but I think they may be ok together in the 55g too. If they do not work out, I'll take them off your hands!
Thats why I don't like them that and mine picked on my Mandarin. No I did not put them together on purpose he came in on a piece of live rock move from one tank to another.

Mystery wrasse are the same way for me.

If your not attached you could find him a new home.

sailfish;337573 wrote: Thats why I don't like them that and mine picked on my Mandarin. No I did not put them together on purpose he came in on a piece of live rock move from one tank to another.


Your mandarin was a hitchhiker? OMG, that's cool!
theplatypus;337564 wrote: Try a Springerri or Fridmani Dottyback.

I thought about these and royal grammas. Decisions. Decisions.
Na I took a piece of live rock moved it from one tank to another and the six line was hiding in it. Then he picked on my mandarin so much I had to remove her to another tank.( I had here for 3.5 years RIP)I could not catch the six line. When I took the tank down I offered it for free to someone on here who knew he was an _ss.


stacy22;337577 wrote: Your mandarin was a hitchhiker? OMG, that's cool!
Joe, that makes more sense. :) Sixlines are sneaky little *******s.